Department of Cultural, Media and Visual Studies



Image of Andrew Goffey

Andrew Goffey

Associate Professor in Critical Theory and Cultural Studies, Faculty of Arts


Expertise Summary

My research is interdisciplinary, even transdisciplinary in nature. I work on the grey areas between media, philosophy, science and technology studies and politics. My interests include: the role of digital technologies, and more specifically, software, in shaping contemporary culture; micropolitics, untranslateability, and the philosophy of technology. I am particularly interested in institutional analysis, contemporary ecological philosophy, concepts of affect and environment, and am working on the planetary dimensions of computational culture and climate crisis. My work is informed more generally by a strong engagement with contemporary French philosophy and I have specific expertise in the work of Spinoza, Deleuze, Guattari, Stengers and actor-network theory. I've supervised a wide-range of PhD projects: on comics and cultural theory, urban culture and the work of David Simon, Deleuze and information technology, artificial intelligence and the semiotics of CS Peirce, geographical information systems, the aesthetics of anonymity, cybertrooping, the grey media of Cold War command and control and Facebook. I'm currently supervising PhD research on, amongst other things, biopolitics and concepts of sovereignty, Walter Benjamin and anthropological materialism, Deleuze, literature and becoming-animal, and mythology and narratives of the end of the world.

Research Summary

I am currently finishing off a number of research and publications projects. I'm in the process of completing a book on the micropolitics of contemporary software culture, exploring the complex… read more

Recent Publications

  • ANDREW GOFFEY, 2021. Pathic Subjectivation: Guattari's Experiments with Contact Body and Society. 1-26 (In Press.)
  • ANDREW GOFFEY, 2019. L'effet Guattari. In: ANNE QUERRIEN, ANNE SAUVAGNARGUES and ARNAUD VILLANI, eds., Agencer les multiplicités avec Deleuze Editions Hermann.
  • ANDREW GOFFEY, 2019. Guattari, Transdisciplinarity and the Experimental Transformation of Research. In: GUILLAUME COLLETT, ed., Deleuze, Guattari, and the Problem of Transdisciplinarity Bloomsbury Press.
  • ANDREW GOFFEY, 2019. Automation anxieties and infrastructural technologies New Formations: A journal of culture, theory, and politics.

Current Research

I am currently finishing off a number of research and publications projects. I'm in the process of completing a book on the micropolitics of contemporary software culture, exploring the complex relations between programming practices and technologies and facets of contemporary society. I am also working on a monograph dealing with the work of Félix Guattari, which builds on work I have done on Guattari and, to a lesser extent, institutional analysis. I recently finished editing a translation of Isabelle Stengers' book Hypnosis between Science and Magic and my translation of Stengers' book The Virgin Mary and the Neutrino is scheduled for publication with Duke University Press soon.

Past Research

I have completed a number of research and publication projects. These include a project looking at the 'information revolution' in the NHS, a project looking at the globalisation of the mundane aesthetics of the creative and cultural industries, and an ESRC-funded project on the digital commons. With Roland Faber (Claremont College, LA), I edited The Allure of Things, a collection of essays on process and object-oriented approaches to philosophy, including work by Isabelle Stengers and by Graham Harman, amongst others. Prior to that I edited The Guattari Effect (with Éric Alliez), drawing together contemporary writings on the work of Félix Guattari, and co-authored Evil Media with Matthew Fuller, a book that explores the changing nature of media power, through a focus on the grey media technologies, techniques and practices of everyday life, and a number of translations, including Félix Guattari Schizonalytic Cartographies, Isabelle Stengers and Philippe Pignarre Capitalist Sorcery, David Lapoujade Powers of Time and Jean-Claude Polack Intimate Utopia. More recently I have been involved in commissioning book projects for the series Lines at Bloomsbury and developing work for the journal Computational Culture. I have an ongoing collaboration with the Public Programme at Nottingham Contemporary, which explores ideas about the intersections between art and ecology, and the challenges that decolonial thinking poses for artistic engagements with the Anthropocene.

Future Research

Along with ongoing research into digital media and the production of subjectivity, I am planning several projects for the future. One will explore the ecological dimensions of computational practices. I am also planning to extend my work on Guattari by engaging in a more detailed analysis of the connections of his work with that of François Tosquelles and Jean Oury and the current of thinking that developed around Institutional Psychotherapy in France during and after World War II.

  • ANDREW GOFFEY, 2021. Pathic Subjectivation: Guattari's Experiments with Contact Body and Society. 1-26 (In Press.)
  • ANDREW GOFFEY, 2019. L'effet Guattari. In: ANNE QUERRIEN, ANNE SAUVAGNARGUES and ARNAUD VILLANI, eds., Agencer les multiplicités avec Deleuze Editions Hermann.
  • ANDREW GOFFEY, 2019. Guattari, Transdisciplinarity and the Experimental Transformation of Research. In: GUILLAUME COLLETT, ed., Deleuze, Guattari, and the Problem of Transdisciplinarity Bloomsbury Press.
  • ANDREW GOFFEY, 2019. Automation anxieties and infrastructural technologies New Formations: A journal of culture, theory, and politics.
  • ANDREW GOFFEY, 2018. Powers, in the singular SubStance. 47(1), 47-59
  • ANDREW GOFFEY, 2017. Félix Guattari. In: EUGENE O'BRIEN, ed., Oxford Bibliographies in Literary and Critical Theory Oxford University Press.
  • ANNE QUERRIEN and ANDREW GOFFEY, 2017. Schizoanalysis and Ecosophy: Scales of History and Action. In: CONSTANTIN BOUNDAS, ed., Schizoanalysis and Ecosophy: Reading Deleuze and Guattari Bloomsbury Press.
  • DAVID LAPOUJADE and ANDREW GOFFEY (TRANS.), 2017. Powers of Time: Versions of Bergson University of Minnesota Press.
  • ANDREW GOFFEY and MATTHEW FULLER, 2017. The Obscure Objects of Object Orientation. In: MATTHEW FULLER, ed., How To Be a Geek: Essays on the Culture of Software Polity. 15-36
  • MATTHEW FULLER, ANDREW GOFFEY, ADRIAN MACKENZIE, RICHARD MILLS and STUART SHARPLES, 2017. Big Diff, Granularity, Incoherence, and Production in the GitHub Software Repository. In: MATTHEW FULLER, ed., How To Be a Geek: Essays on the Culture of Software Polity. 69-85
  • ANDREW GOFFEY, 2016. Machinic Operations. Data structuring, healthcare and governmentality. In: PENNY HARVEY, CASPER BRUUN JENSEN and ATSURO MORITA, eds., Infrastructures and Social Complexity: A Companion Routledge. 366-378
  • ANDREW GOFFEY, 2016. Guattari and transversality: Institutions, analysis and experimentation Radical Philosophy. 38-47
  • ANDREW GOFFEY, 2015. Homo immunologicus: on the limits of critique Medical Humanities. 8-13
  • FÉLIX GUATTARI and ANDREW GOFFEY (TRANS.), 2015. Lines of Flight. For another world of possibilities Bloomsbury.
  • ISABELLE STENGERS and ANDREW GOFFEY (TRANS.), 2015. In Catastrophic Times: Resisting the Coming Barbarism Open Humanities Press.
  • FÉLIX GUATTARI and ANDREW GOFFEY (TRANS.), 2015. Transdisciplinarity must become Transversality Theory, Culture, and Society. 32(5/6), 131-137
  • ANDREW GOFFEY, 2015. Introduction to Guattari on Transdisciplinarity Theory, Culture, and Society. 32(5/6), 125-130
  • ANDREW GOFFEY, 2015. Towards a rhizomatic technical history of control New Formations: A journal of culture, theory, and politics. 58-73
  • JEREMY GILBERT and ANDREW GOFFEY, 2015. Control Societies: Notes for an Introduction New Formations. 5-19
  • ANDREW GOFFEY, 2014. Technology, Logistics and Logic: Rethinking the Problem of Fun in Software. In: OLGA GORIUNOVA, ed., Fun and Software Bloomsbury.
  • ANDREW GOFFEY and ROLAND FABER, eds., 2014. The Allure of Things: Object and Process in Contemporary Philosophy Bloomsbury.
  • ANDREW GOFFEY, 2014. Thinking Things Thinking Things, or Some Themes in Philosophy after Correlationism. In: ANDREW GOFFEY and ROLAND FABER, eds., The Allure of Things: Object and Process in Contemporary Philosophy Bloomsbury.
  • ANDREW GOFFEY, 2014. Philosophical Experimentation between Deleuze and Guattari. In: ANDREW GOFFEY and ROLAND FABER, eds., The Allure of Things: Object and Process in Contemporary Philosophy Bloomsbury.
  • ANDREW GOFFEY and EWEN SPEED, 2014. Implausible promises: the information revolution in the NHS Soundings. 106-117
  • ANDREW GOFFEY and LYNNE PETTINGER, 2014. Refrains and assemblages: Exploring market negotiations and green subjectivity with Guattari Subjectivity. 7(4), 1-26
  • ANDREW GOFFEY and LYNNE PETTINGER, 2014. Big Data? Qualitative Approaches to Digital Research Studies in Qualitative Methodology. 13, 31-50
  • FULLER, M. and GOFFEY, A., 2013. The Unknown Objects of Object-Orientation. In: HARVEY, P., CASELLA, E., EVANS, G., KNOX, H., MCLEAN, C., SILVA, E., THOBURN, N. and WOODWARD, K., eds., Objects and Materials: a Routledge Companion Routledge. 218-226
  • JEAN-CLAUDE POLACK, DANIELLE SIVADON, ANDREW GOFFEY (TRANS.) and HORTENCIA SANTOS LENCASTRE (TRANS.), 2013. Intimate Utopia / A íntima utopia: Analytic Work and Psychotic Processes N-1Edicoes.
  • GOFFEY, A. and FULLER, M., 2012. Evil Media MIT Press.
  • FELIX GUATTARI and ANDREW GOFFEY (TRANS.), 2012. Schizoanalytic Cartographies Bloomsbury Press.
  • ANDREW GOFFEY and MATTHEW FULLER, 2012. Die obskuren Objekte der Objektorientierung Zeitschrift für Medienwissenschaft: Sozialtheorie und Medienforschung. 6,
  • FULLER, M. and GOFFEY, A., 2012. Digital infrastructures and the machinery of topological abstraction Theory, Culture and Society. 29(4-5), 311-333
  • ALLIEZ, ERIC and GOFFEY, ANDREW, 2011. The Guattari effect Continuum.
  • GOFFEY, ANDREW, 2011. Introduction: on the witch's broomstick. In: PIGNARRE, PHILIPPE and STENGERS, ISABELLE, eds., Capitalist sorcery: breaking the spell. Palgrave.
  • GOFFEY, ANDREW and FULLER, MATTHEW, 2010. On the usefulness of anxiety: two evil media stratagems. In: NARULA, MONICA, SENGRUPTA, SHUDDHABRATA and BAGCHI, JEEBESH, eds., Sarai reader 08: Fear. Centre for the study of developing societies. 156-163
  • GOFFEY, ANDREW, 2009. Mens Sana in Corpore Sano (or, keep taking the tablets). In: SLATER, JOSEPHINE BERRY, BROEKMAN, PAULINE VAN MOURIK, CORRIS, MICHAEL, SEYMOUR, BENEDICT, ILES, ANTHONY and WORTHINGTON, SIMON, eds., Proud to be flesh: a Mute magazine anthology of cultural politics after the net. Mute. 143-149
  • GOFFEY, ANDREW, 2008. Heterogenesis and the problems of metaphysics in Deleuze and Whitehead. In: ROBINSON, KEITH, ed., Deleuze, Whitehead, Bergson: rhizomatic connections. Palgrave MacMillan.
  • GOFFEY, A., 2008. Abstract experience Theory, Culture and Society. 25(4), 15-30
  • GOFFEY, ANDREW, 2008. Algorithm. In: FULLER, MATTHEW, ed., Software studies: a lexicon. MIT Press. 15-20
  • GOFFEY, ANDREW, 2008. Intelligence. In: FULLER, MATTHEW, ed., Software studies: a lexicon. MIT Press. 132-142
  • GOFFEY, ANDREW, 2008. Reclaiming experience: 'Thinking with Whitehead' as an affair of active experimentation Process Studies. 37(2), 140-163
  • GOFFEY, ANDREW, 2008. 'Thinking with' as a process of active experimentation: Process Studies Process Studies. 37(2),

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