Keynote Speakers
We are delighted to announce the following keynote speakers and conference themes for 3rd UK Hydrocolloids Symposium 2017

Professor Alan Mackie
My research is based on Colloidal behaviour in the GI tract. Using a combination of in vitro and in vivo studies my team have shown that thermal processing, emulsification and enzymatic cross-linking can all be used to alter the rate and patterns of dairy protein digestion. Recently, I have used MRI to look at the link between gastric behaviour and physiological responses. In particular they show the importance of understanding the effects of the food matrix on rates of nutrient release. In September 2016 I moved to University of Leeds to continue these studies in the School of Food Science and Nutrition. I have over 180 peer reviewed publications, Total citations (non-self) = 4743, Average citations per item = 29.4, H-index = 44.

Dr Alan Smith
Dr Smith graduated in Biochemistry from University of Salford and completed his PhD in 2002 at Cranfield University with a thesis titled ‘Polysaccharide Substitutes for Gelatin in the Production of Pharmaceutical Capsules’. He then spent 2 years working in the pharmaceutical industry as a formulation scientist before moving to New Zealand to work as a polysaccharide chemist at Industrial Research Limited (Now the Ferrier Research Institute, Victoria University of Wellington) extracting and characterising polysaccharides from native New Zealand plants. He returned to UK in 2005 held research fellow positions in the School of Pharmacy at Aston University, The School of Dentistry and The School of Chemical Engineering both at the University of Birmingham where he continued his research on using polysaccharides in drug delivery systems and tissue engineering. In 2011 he was appointed Senior lecturer in Pharmaceutics at the University of Huddersfield and in 2016 promoted to Reader in Biopolymer Materials where his current research focuses on the areas of physiologically responsive biopolymers, fluid gels as modified release drug delivery systems and using biopolymer hydrogels for 3D printing in tissue engineering applications.

Professor Henk Schols
Expertise in Biopolymers, Analytical chemistry, Food chemistry, Organic chemistry, Analytical methods, Carbohydrates, Chromatography.
After obtaining a higher vocational degree, Henk A. Schols (Heenvliet, 1956) spent a number of years working as an analyst in the Laboratory of Food Chemistry at Wageningen University. In 1995, he was awarded a PhD for his work on classifying pectin and pectin fragments in fruit and vegetables. Schols was previously an Associate Professor of Food Chemistry. His teaching and research underline his expertise in the analysis and biochemical conversion of carbohydrates, such as those present in food.