Past Global Revolution Conferences
Global Revolution XI
13 and 14 June 2022

The most prominent figures of the procurement community met in Nottingham, UK, on the 13-15 of June 2022 to participate in the Conference Global Revolution XI hosted by the Public Procurement Research Group, School of Law, University of Nottingham. The conference was held at the East Midlands Conference Centre.
It was organised by Professor Annamaria La Chimia (Director of the PPRG) and Dr Peter Trepte. This was the first in-person conference run by the PPRG since COVID-19. It was an outstanding success, with over 210 participants, 38 sessions, and over 100 speakers.
The programme was innovative, covering issues of interest to the Global South and the Global North, and including high-quality papers, some of which were published on the Public Procurement Law Review. Speakers and participants came from all over the world and from different procurement fields and backgrounds - including academics, procurement experts, lawyers, civil servants and officials from all major international and national procurement authorities and organizations.
The conference opened on day one with the welcome address by our PPRG director, Professor Annamaria La Chimia and continued with the keynote session including, as speakers, Professor Gustavo Piga, Professor Sope Williams Elegbe, Professor Jean-Bernard Auby, Caroline Nicholas (UNCITRAL Secretariat, Reto Malacrida (WTO), Snezana Mitrovic (the World Bank).
Five streams of workshops followed covering issues of procurement in the UK and the EU, procurement in practice, procurement and sustainability, current issues and transforming procurement: international initiatives. On day one, the workshops closed at 4, participants then met for drinks and for the conference dinner.
On day two we were delighted to host Edward Green and Lucy Sydney from the UK Cabinet Office and Professor Arrowsmith presenting and discussing the reforms of UK procurement law. The conference continued with four streams of workshops discussing issues of procurement in the UK and the EU, procurement in a crisis, procurement and sustainability and current issues in the international arena.
View details of our past conferences: