
Who’s your emergency contact?

Have you thought about who you would like us to contact in case of an emergency?
17 April 2023

Struggling with bills and expenses?

Additional student funding has been allocated to our Student Hardship Fund, courtesy of the Office for Students.
12 April 2023

Do you have aspirations to become a future leader?

Kick-start your ambition and get ahead with your career by attending one of our free one-day professional development courses.
04 April 2023

Are you aware of the consequences of using AI tools in your work?

With the proliferation of online artificial intelligence (AI) tools such as ChatGPT, the university has updated its policies around the use of AI in assessments. Do you know when it’s appropriate to use AI and what the penalties are for misusing it?
04 April 2023

Looking for a graduate job?

Penultimate- and final-year undergraduate and postgraduate students are invited to explore job opportunities for after graduation.
30 March 2023

Spring (May/June) examination period timetable

Individual assessment timetables are now available with locations to view via the MyNottingham app, MyCal and SharePoint.
29 March 2023

Castle Meadow Campus development moves to next phase

Following approval by University Council on 21 March 2023, the University will proceed to the next phase of preparing the Castle Meadow Campus to deliver teaching, research and partnership activity at an exciting new city centre location.
28 March 2023

New AccessAble app launches

A revolutionary tool designed to provide practical information about facilities available and the access routes into buildings.
27 March 2023

Learning and Development Opportunities Fund

A new fund has been introduced to support your access to learning and development opportunities such as conferences, short courses, training, online courses, and music and language lessons.
27 March 2023

Adelaide-Nottingham Alliance launches research fund

Researchers are invited to apply for funding to develop further collaborations between the two universities.
24 March 2023


Student news archive

Student Communications Officer

Communications and Marketing
University Park Campus
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

telephone:+44 (0)115 82 32353