
Black History Month 2019

The University of Nottingham Students' Union BME Network will be organising a series of free events throughout Black History Month 2019 (BHM 2019).
01 October 2019

Creative Academy: Your pathway to a career in the creative sector

*Please note that places for the first event are now full, but you will have the chance to sign up for subsequent events*
01 October 2019

Timetables unavailable through MyCal and the MyNottingham app

With sincere apologies, MyCal - your personal calendar timetabling application - is currently unavailable because of a technical issue.
27 September 2019

Paid opportunity: Join our Student Insight Panel

The Student Insight Panel is your opportunity to earn a bit of extra money while having a positive impact on how the University communicates with current and future students.
27 September 2019

Online module enrolment is now open

Online module enrolment opened for all new students at 12 noon on Monday 23 September. The change of mind period for returning students will open at 12 noon on Wednesday 25 September.
23 September 2019

Last chance to share your views on the new University strategy

Don’t miss out on your last chance to have a say in the University’s future strategy.
23 September 2019

Do you need to take an IELTS test for study, work or migration?

The University of Nottingham IELTS Test Centre offers tests every month throughout the year.
20 September 2019

Registering to vote in a General Election

It is likely that a General Election will be held in the not-too-distant future - an election that will take place against a background of national debate on the future of the country and its relationship with the European Union.
16 September 2019

Applying for your student card

You should have received an email containing your username and password – this will enable you to upload your photograph for your University card.
13 September 2019

Accommodation deposits due

If you are moving into University accommodation this year, don't forget that the deadline for deposits is Thursday 5 September.
03 September 2019


Student news archive

Student Communications Officer

Communications and Marketing
University Park Campus
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

telephone:+44 (0)115 82 32353