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How is the University of Nottingham planning for a digital future?

Whether digital technologies will disrupt the higher education sector to the extent that they have revolutionised other industries is unclear. What is clear, however, is that the University of Nottingham is making a commitment to embrace a digital future.

The Digital Futures project is the University's co-ordinated and strategic implementation of appropriate digital approaches. It starts from a position of:

  • Recognising that adopting technology for the sake of adopting technology is not the best approach. Instead, we seek to understand where and how digital approaches will genuinely add value to our activities, and implement them in a strategic and supported way.
  • Embracing the complexity of a university as large and global as ours, recognising that we operate as an ecosystem of inter-connected and inter-dependent streams of work. Our approach to embedding digital technologies must therefore do the same. As such, a single co-ordinated approach is favoured.     
  • Valuing the outstanding approaches that many within our community have already made to embedding digital technologies, especially in research and teaching, and learning from them. We shall build on existing excellent practice, rather than starting with a blank canvas.
  • Appreciating that in order to become pioneers in the use of digital technologies in higher education, a solid foundation must first be laid. This includes everything from culture to systems to skills.
  • Committing essential financial and human resources to advancing our digital future.

As such, the Digital Futures Project sets a five-year vision across six key work streams. These are: