School of Economics

PhD Projects

We have a number of research students in the school. You can view their profiles below. You can also view our PhD students' career destinations to see where our students have worked since completing their PhDs.

Current research students
NameProject title
Year one
Emily Barnes Estimating the Distribution of the Marginal Propensity to Consume
Taejun Kim Dating for Start and End Period of Historical Crash and Its Application to Real Time Crash Detection
Junggie Lee Economic Growth by Idea Diffusion and The Self-Employment
Yanfriti Pakpahan

Digitalisation, Price Setting Behaviour and Effectiveness of Monetary Policy

Sagarika Sengupta Gender Differential Impact of the 2004 Tsunami in India: An Investigation of Intrahousehold Consumption Patterns
Mirsad Sipahioglu Foreign Direct Investment, Patent Filings and Firm Performance
Kieran Stockley Pluralistic Ignorance and Social Stigma
Shipei Zhang Bank Discrimination and Monetary Policy in China
Hengxi Zhu Trade Shocks and Market Concentration
Year two
Malena Arcidiacono Public Spending and Youth Voting Behaviour in Argentina
Fabrizio Ardiles Decker Welfare Gains of Joining a Monetary Union
Taufiq Bid Mohd Zin Fixed vs Countercyclical LTV Ration: The Effectiveness of Macroprudential Policy for a Small Open
Lucas Braga de Melo Intergovernmental Transfer Spillovers on the Labour Market
Selim Elbadri A Service-Led Growth Escalator? Innovation, Imitation and Prospects for Productivity Growth in the 'Service Economy'
Tong Fang Belief Updating and Strategic Sophistication
Pierce Gately Rule Following and Cooperation
Yifan Li The Role of Advice: An Experimental Study of Inertia and Reinforcement Heuristic in Decision Making
Andres Martignano Mass Migration in Argentina: A Study on the Effects of Migrants on Argentine Politics
Jesus Rodriguez Evaluating Tax Expenditures in Advanced and Emerging Economies: Using Text Data and Machine Learning Tools
Juan Siachoque The Wage Growth Penalty of Informal Employment
Year three
Matias Golman The Economics of Volunteering: Measurement Techniques and Labour Outcomes
Hun Jang Analysis on the Effects of Housing Relevant Taxationas a Macroprudential Policy Tool
Guido Lamarmora Structural Change and Innovation
Hyunkang Lim How Do Capital Controls and Macroprudential Policy Interact with Monetary Policy in a Small Open Economy?
Sungwon Moon On-the-Job Search, Precautionary Savings and the Progressivity of Income Taxes
Cleopatra Ngoma Structural Changes and Monetary Policy Transmission in Developing Countries
Miquel Oliver i Vert Globalisation and Intangibles
Maria Agustina Sampaolesi Self-Fulfilling Crisis and Firm Heterogeneity
Marcelo Woo Value of Information under Groupthink
Lanlan Wu Global Supply Chain and The Comparative Advantage of Firms
Year four
Basim Alandijany Leadership and Collective Action Problems
Georg Sator Morality and Social Norms in Economic Decision-Making
Sam van de Schootbrugge UK Fiscal Multipliers: A Macro- and Micro-Perspective 
Writing up
Benjamin Tatlow Exploring Explosive Asset Behaviour in High-Frequency Data


School of Economics

Sir Clive Granger Building
University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

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