Joel Segal
Head of Department – Mechanical, Materials and Manufacturing Engineering, Faculty of Engineering
Teaching Summary
Joel teaches undergraduate Product Design and Manufacture students about Design for Manufacture and both undergraduate and postgraduate students about applications of 3D printing processes.
Research Summary
Joel leads the Biomedical Manufacturing research team in the Advanced Manufacturing Technology group.
His research is in biomedical manufacturing, including new manufacturing process development for a variety of biomedical applications. This includes bioprinting, regenerative medicine, drug delivery and pharmaceutical device development and a range of manufacturing techniques including precision and additive manufacturing processes. He is currently supervising PhD researchers in microneedle drug delivery device development, biofabrication for regenerative medicine and biomedical platform development for satellites.
He was a co-investigator in the EPSRC Centre for Innovative Manufacture in Regenerative Medicine and the EPSRC Centre for Innovative Manufacture in Medical Devices (MeDe Innovation). He has previously led a number of work packages in several collaborative EU funded projects and for the last ten years been involved in many interdisciplinary collaborative research projects with colleagues in Life Sciences, Pharmacy, Physics, Microbiology & Nursing, Midwifery and Physiotherapy.