Faculty of Engineering

Image of Tanvir Hussain

Tanvir Hussain

EPSRC Research Fellow, Professor of Coatings and Surface Engineering, Faculty of Engineering



My research focuses on advanced coatings and surface engineering for aerospace, automotive, renewable energy and healthcare sectors. I am particularly interested in the understanding of novel materials processing techniques, especially thermal spray and cold gas dynamic spray. Process-microstructure-properties relationship is at the heart of my research. My latest research focus is on suspension and solution precursor thermal spraying to manufacture functional coatings from sub-micron to nanometer range feedstock particles. I was awarded an EPSRC Fellowship on Advanced Ceramics From Liquid Feedstock for Aerospace Propulsion (Press Release) where my team is developing new compositions using artificial intelligence and novel processing routes for thermal barrier coatings, environmental barrier coatings, wear-resistant coatings, corrosion-resistant coatings, insulating coatings and functional coatings for electrification.

We have recently developed comprehensive environmental test facilities to evaluate the performance of various coatings in CMAS, hot corrosion, superheated steam oxidation, erosion-corrosion test, thermal cycling and burner rig testing. We have also extensive test capabilities for high-temperature tribology and corrosion testing. I am part of the Advanced Materials Research Group.

I received a PhD in Materials Engineering from the University of Nottingham, which was followed by a Masters in Manufacturing Engineering. In my doctoral research, I investigated the high strain-rate deformation of titanium alloys using a novel cold gas dynamic spraying (a near net shape/additive manufacturing) technique. The process is now established as a high deposition rate additive manufacturing technique. My contribution to the scientific community was to propose a novel bonding mechanisms in the solid-state particle deformation.

PhD studentships and Postdoctoral Fellowships

Currently Recruiting. I welcome enquiries from prospective PhD students and postdocs. Studentships and postdocs tend to be funded through specific grants in the UK, so these will be advertised at https://www.jobs.ac.uk whenever they get approved for funding.

Students with an excellent academic record (1st class undergraduate degree or a distinction in a relevant Masters level course) might be eligible for a Faculty of Engineering PhD studentship. Contact me if you would like to develop a project together.

I also welcome enquiries from overseas students and postdocs who have identified potential funding routes.

Current postdocs interested in applying for independent research fellowships (see https://www.nottingham.ac.uk/research/researchwithus/fellowships/fellowships.aspx) are encouraged to contact me if you are interested in conducting materials research at Nottingham. Our research group had several successful fellowship applications in recent years, and I would be happy to work with you in developing a competitive internal or external fellowship application. These fellowships typically require an outstanding publication track-record.

Example Research Grants

PhD Thesis Examiner

As an external examiner, I have examined PhD thesis at the University of Southampton, UCL, University of Manchester and University of Birmingham. My overseas thesis examination includes India and Italy (Politecnico Di Milano), University of New South Wales (Australia), IK Punjab Technical University (India), Anna University (India), Chalmers University (Sweden), McGill University (Canada) etc.

Editorial Role

Editor, Journal of Thermal Spray Technology

Associate Editor, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part J: Journal of Engineering Tribology

Social media

I also tweet in a personal capacity on my research, teaching, equality, diversity and inclusion in higher education and open access. You can follow my personal Twitter handle @ProfessorTanvir


Artificial intelligence-driven ceramic coatings for greener aviation


Expertise Summary

New Materials Discovery and Processing: New compositions development using artificial intelligence for thermal barrier coatings, environmental barrier coatings, wear-resistant coatings, corrosion-resistant coatings, insulating coatings and functional coatings for electrification. Materials processing using Suspension Plasma Spray (SPS), Suspension High Velocity Oxy-fuel Spraying (SHVOF) thermal spray and Cold Gas Dynamic Spray (CGDS). I am also interested in various other coatings technologies including, laser cladding, physical and chemical vapour deposition and atomic layer deposition.

Research Summary

New Advanced Ceramic Discovery with Machine Learning: Using a high-throughput Materials Discovery Apparatus (MDA) coupled with artificial intelligence we are discovering new compositions for thermal… read more

Current Research

New Advanced Ceramic Discovery with Machine Learning: Using a high-throughput Materials Discovery Apparatus (MDA) coupled with artificial intelligence we are discovering new compositions for thermal barrier coatings, environmental barrier coatings, wear and corrosion resistant coatings and functional coatings for renewable energy and aerospace propulsion.

Suspension and Solution precursor thermal spraying: We have commissioned the UK's first high efficiency, high power Axial Injection Suspension Plasma Spray (SPS) in 2021 and UK's first direct injection suspension and solution precursor HVOF thermal spray in 2015. We are studying the process- microstructure- properties relationship of various ceramic materials, which are prepared from sub-micrometre to nanometre sized powder feedstock dispersed in water and alcohol. The research is focused on functional materials for energy and aerospace applications to provide step-changing technological solutions.

High Velocity Oxy-Fuel spraying: We are working on the development of nanocomposite coatings (WC-Co with Carbon Nanotubes or hexagonal Boron Nitrides) using High Velocity Oxy Fuel (HVOF) thermal spray for the power generation industry. We are also developing novel multi-layered coatings for gas turbines thus increasing efficiency and reducing CO2 footprint. Process-property-performance of HVOF sprayed coatings are of great interest to us.

Cold Gas Dynamic Spraying: The work concerns the process development of cold gas dynamic spraying (CGDS) as a surface engineering, as well as a 3D printing technique. The work is supported by high-speed laser particle image velocimetry (PIV), and a state-of-the art material characterisation laboratory. Current research focuses on cold spraying of high entropy alloys, precipitation hardenable aluminium, titanium and nickel based alloys and feedstock modification before spraying. We are also working on laser-assisted cold spray (LACS) for additive manufacturing. We are interested in understanding the bonding mechanisms in the high strain rate deformation process in cold-spraying. We are currently developing a micro cold spraying system for in-situ on-wing repair applications.

Laser cladding: My interests lie in the microstructure-performance relationship of the laser cladding (wire and powder) for iron, nickel and titanium alloys in aerospace applications. We are also using laser for modification of the surface of thermal sprayed coatings.

Future Research

I welcome enquiries from potential PhD candidates from Home, EU and international countries who are interested in the following research areas: new ceramic composition development using machine learning, residual stress measurement techniques, Suspension and Solution precursor thermal spraying, environmental barrier coating, thermal barrier coatings, fuel cell electrolytes, nanocomposite coatings, anti-microbial coatings and coatings for space applications.

Faculty of Engineering

The University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

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