JESCH, J., 2024. Diaspora Sagas. In: O'DONOGHUE, HEATHER and PARKER, ELEANOR, eds., The Cambridge History of Old Norse-Icelandic Literature Cambridge University Press. 417-434 JESCH, J, 2024. The Shetland Verses in Orkneyinga Saga ch. 85. In: MARK SMITH and IAN TAIT, eds., History Maker: Essays in Honour of Brian Smith The Shetland Times Ltd. 60-69
JESCH, J., 2023. Shetland and the runic diaspora. In: FOSTER, RYAN and COOIJMANS, CHRISTIAN, eds., History, Landscape, and Language in the Northern Isles and Caithness: 'A'm grippit dis laand'. A Gedenkschrift for Doreen Waugh Brepols. 91-101
JESCH, J. and NORDBY, K. J., 2022. K. Jonas Nordbys doktordisputas Futhark: International Journal of Runic Studies. 12, 137-150 JESCH, J, 2021. Review of Cat Jarman, River Kings TLS: The Times Literary Supplement. 24 JESCH, J, 2021. Women, war and words: a verbal archaeology of shield-maidens Viking. Norsk arkeologisk årbok.. 84(1), 127-142 JESCH, J., 2020. Further thoughts on E18 Saltfleetby Futhark: International Journal of Runic Studies. 9-10, 201-213 JESCH, J., 2020. It's a woman's world BBC History Magazine. June 2020, 74-75
JESCH, J. and LEE, C., 2020. Healing Runes. In: PEDERSEN, A. and SINDBÆK, S., eds., Viking Encounters: Proceedings of the 18th Viking Congress Aarhus University Press. 386-398
JESCH, J, 2020. Vikinger og vikingetiden.. In: SKIBSTED KLÆSØE, I., ET AL., ed., Glimt fra Vikingetiden.: Udgivet i anledning af Danske Amatørarkæologers 30-års jubilæum. Danske Amatørarkæologer. 9-12
JESCH, J., 2019. Viking women: at home and at war BBC History Magazine. March 2019, 47-50 JESCH, J., 2019. Ragnarok: Review of Christopher Abram, Evergeen Ash TLS. The Times Literary Supplement. 4 October(6079), 31 JESCH, J., 2019. Review of Jonas Wellendorf, Gods and Humans in Medieval Scandinavia Medieval Archaeology. 63(2), 466-467
JESCH, J., 2018. The magic of runes The Annual Report of the Yorkshire Philosophical Society. 2017, 58-64
JESCH, J., 2018. Job description: pirate: The lingering legacy of the Vikings in England. TLS: The Times Literary Supplement. 24 August(6021/6022), 14
JESCH, J., 2018. Diaspora. In: GLAUSER, J., HERMANN, P. and MITCHELL, S. A., eds., Handbook of Pre-Modern Nordic Memory Studies De Gruyter. 583-593
JESCH, J., 2017. Rǫgnvaldr jarl Kali Kolsson, Lausavísur. In: GADE, K.E., ed., Poetry from Treatises on Poetics Brepols. 342-346
JESCH, J., 2017. Sagas of ancient times.: The wonderful world of eddic poetry. TLS. The Times Literary Supplement. 16 June(5959), 23
JESCH, J., 2017. Runes and verse: The medialities of early Scandinavian poetry. European Journal of Scandinavian Studies. 47(1), 181-202 JESCH, J., 2017. The Viking diaspora. In: MELLER, H., DAIM, F., KRAUSE, J. and RISCH, R., eds., Migration und Integration von der Urgeschichte bis zum Mittelalter: 9. Mitteldeutscher Archäologentag vom 20. bis 22. Oktober in Halle (Saale) 17. Landesamt für Denkmalpflege und Archäologie Sachsen-Anhalt. 315-323
JESCH, J., 2017. Vikings in Maeshowe. In: MÜLLER-WILLE, K., HESLOP, K., RICHTER, A. K. and RÖSLI, L., eds., Skandinavische Schriftlandschaften: Vänbok til Jürg Glauser Narr Francke Attempto. 37-41
JESCH, J., 2017. Cnut, Old Norse in England, Skaldic Poetry. In: ECHARD, S. and ROUSE, R., eds., The Encyclopedia of Medieval Literature in Britain Wiley-Blackwell. 530-1, 1443-5, 1733-4
JESCH, J., 2016. Kirkwall, Orkney. In: WALLACE, D., ed., Europe: A literary history 1348-1418. Oxford UP. I, 375-384
JESCH, J., 2016. The Concept of 'Homeland' in the Viking Diaspora. In: TURNER, VAL E., OWEN, OLWYN A. and WAUGH, DOREEN J., eds., Shetland and the Viking World: Papers from the Proceedings of the Seventeenth Viking Congress Lerwick Shetland Heritage Publications. 141-146.
JESCH, J., 2015. The Viking Diaspora. Routledge.
JESCH, J., 2015. Speaking Like a Viking: Language and Cultural Interaction in the Irish Sea Region. In: HARDING, S. E., GRIFFITHS, D. and ROYLES, E., eds., In Search of Vikings: Interdisciplinary Approaches to the Scandinavian Heritage of North-West England. CRC Press. 50-61.
JESCH, J., 2015. Courtroom saga. TLS: The Times Literary Supplement. January 16, 2015, 25.
JESCH, J., 2015. Rosalind Kerven, Viking Myths and Sagas (review) TLS: The Times Literary Supplement. August 7, 2015, 26.
J. JESCH, 2015. The Threatening Wave: Norse poetry and the Scottish isles. In: BARRETT, JAMES H. and GIBBON, SARAH JANE, eds., Maritime Societies of the Viking and Medieval World. Maney. 320-332.
JESCH, J., 2014. Christian Vikings: Norsemen in Western Europe in the 12th Century. In: BAUDUIN, P. and MUSIN, A., eds., Vers l’Orient et vers l'Occident: Regards croisés sur les dynamiques et les transferts culturels des Vikings à la Rous ancienne. Presses universitaires de Caen. 55-60.
JESCH, J., 2014. Jómsvíkinga sögur and Jómsvíkinga drápur: Texts, contexts and intertexts. Scripta Islandica. 65, 81-100.
JESCH, J., 2014. Review of Vikings, by Neil Oliver. BBC History Magazine. 71.
JESCH, J., 2014. Women and identities. In: COLEMAN, N. and LØKKA, N., eds., Kvinner i vikingtid. Spartacus forlag / Scandinavian Academic Press. 269-286.
JESCH, J., 2013. Reading the Jelling inscription. In: GAMMELTOFT, P., ed., Beretning fra enogtredivte tværfaglige vikingesymposium. Forlaget Wormianum. 7-18. JESCH, J., ed., 2013. Viking Poetry of Love and War. The British Museum Press.
JESCH, J., 2013. Some Viking weapons in Sigvatr's verse. In: REYNOLDS, A. and WEBSTER, L., eds., Early Medieval Art and Archaeology in the Northern World: Studies in honour of James Graham-Campbell. Brill. 341-357.
JESCH, J., 2013. The Tale of Thorleif, the Earl's Poet. In: HREINSSON, V., ed., Comic Sagas and Tales from Iceland Penguin. 255-266
JESCH, J., 2013. Review of Diarmaid Ó Muirithe, 'A Supplement to "A Dictionary of Scandinavian Words in the Languages of Britain and Ireland". TLS: The Times Literary Supplement. 20 September 2013(5764), 31.
JESCH, J., 2013. Earl Rögnvaldr of Orkney: A Poet of the Viking Diaspora, Journal of the North Atlantic. Special Volume 4, 154-60. J. JESCH, 2013. Runes and Words: Runic Lexicography in Context. Futhark: International Journal of Runic Studies. 4, 77-100. ZILMER, K. and JESCH, J., eds., 2012. Epigraphic Literacy and Christian Identity. Brepols.
JESCH, J., 2012. Murder She Wrought: Review of David Clark, Gender, Violence, and the Past in Edda and Saga TLS: The Times Literary Supplement. 7 December 2012(5273), 28.
JESCH, J., ed., 2012. Printed and digital scholary edition of works by the poets listed, with full critical apparatus including biographies, introduction, editorial methodology, complete variants, prose word order, English translation, notes, bibliography and indices.. Jórunn skáldmær; poems by Sigvatr Þórðarson. In: Poetry from the king's sagas, edited by D.C. Whaley and K.E. Gade Brepols.
JESCH, J., 2011. The Norse gods in England and the Isle of Man. In: ANLEZARK, D., ed., Myths, Legends, and Heroes: Essays on Old Norse and Old English Literature. University of Toronto Press. 11-24.
JESCH, J., 2011. Runic inscriptions and the vocabulary of land, lordship, and social power in the late Viking Age. In: POULSEN, B. and SINDBÆK, S., eds., Settlement and lordship in Viking and early medieval Scandinavia Brepols. 31-44.
JESCH, J., 2010. Orkneyinga saga, Scandinavian love poetry. In: BJORK, R. E., ed., The Oxford Dictionary of the Middle Ages. Oxford University Press. 1234, 1486
JESCH, J., 2010. The warrior ideal in the late Viking Age. In: SHEEHAN, J. and Ó CORRÁIN, D., eds., The Viking Age. Ireland and the West: Proceedings of the XVth Viking Congress, Cork, 2005. Four Courts Press. 165-173
KNIRK, J. E., WILLIAMS, H., BIANCHI, M., BARNES, M. P. and JESCH, J., eds., 2010. Futhark: International Journal of Runic Studies Vol. 1. University of Oslo and Uppsala University. JESCH, J., 2010. The once and future king: History and memory in Sigvatr's poetry on Óláfr Haraldsson. In: RANKOVIĆ, S., MUNDAL, E. and MELVE, L., eds., Along the Oral-Written Continuum. Brepols. 95-109 (In Press.)
JESCH, J., 2010. Orkneyinga saga: a work in progress?. In: LETHBRIDGE, E. and QUINN, J., eds., Creating the medieval saga: versions, variability and editorial interpretations of Old Norse saga literature University Press of Southern Denmark. 153-173
JESCH, J., 2009. The sea-kings of Litla Skálda. In: NEY, A., WILLIAMS, H. and LJUNGKVIST, F.C., eds., Á austrvega. Saga and East Scandinavia: Preprint Papers of The 14th International Saga Conference Uppsala, 9th – 15th August 2009. Gävle University Press. 443-451 JESCH, J., 2009. Namings and narratives: exploration and imagination in the Norse voyages westward. In: DEKKER, K., OLSEN, K. and HOFSTRA, T., eds., The world of travellers : exploration and imagination Peeters. 61-79
JESCH, J., 2009. The Orcadian links of Snorra Edda. In: JØRGENSEN, J.G., ed., Snorres Edda i europeisk og islandsk kultur. Snorrastofa. 145-172
JESCH, J., 2009. Constructing the warrior ideal in the late Viking Age. In: OLAUSSON, L.H and OLAUSSON, M., eds., The Martial Society: Aspects of warriors, fortifications and social change in Scandinavia. Archaeological Research Laboratory, Stockholm University. 71-78
JESCH, J., 2009. Who was Wulfstan?. In: ENGLERT, A. and TRAKADAS, A., eds., Wulfstan's Voyage: The Baltic Sea Region in the Early Viking Age as Seen from Shipboard. Viking Ship Museum. 29-36
JESCH, J., 2009. The Norse gods in Scotland. In: WOOLF, A., ed., Scandinavian Scotland - Twenty Years After: The Proceedings of a Day Conference held on 19 February 2007 The Committee for Dark Age Studies, University of St Andrews. 49-73.
JESCH, J., ed., 2009. Printed and digital scholarly edition of works by the poets listed, with full critical apparatus including biographies, introduction, editorial methodology, complete variants, prose word order, English translation, notes, bibliography and indices.. Rögnvaldr jarl Kali Kolsson, Hallr Þórarinsson breiðmaga, Eiríkr, Oddi inn litli Glúmsson, Ármóðr, Sigmundr ongull, Bótólfr begla, Lausavísa from Orkneyinga saga. In: Poetry from the kings' sagas, edited by D.C. Whaley and K.E. Gade Brepols.
BOWDEN, G.R., BALARESQUE, P., KING, T.E., HANSEN, Z., LEE, A.C., PERGL-WILSON, G., HURLEY, E., ROBERTS, S.J., WAITE, P., JESCH, J., JONES, A.L., THOMAS, M.G., HARDING, S.E. and JOBLING, M.A., 2008. Excavating past population structures by surname-based sampling: the genetic legacy of the Vikings in Northwest England Molecular Biology and Evolution. 25(2), 301-309 JESCH, J., 2008. Myth and cultural memory in the Viking diaspora Viking and Medieval Scandinavia. 4, 221-6
JESCH, J., 2008. Scandinavian women's names in English place-names. In: PADEL, O.J. and PARSONS, D.N., eds., A Commodity of Good Names: Essays in Honour of Margaret Gelling. Shaun Tyas. 154-162
JESCH, J., 2008. Poetry in the Viking Age. In: BRINK, S. and PRICE, N., eds., The Viking World. Routledge. 291-298.
JESCH, J., 2007. Norse literature in the Orkney earldom. In: CLANCY, T., PITTOCK, M., BROWN, I. and MANNING, S., eds., The Edinburgh History of Scottish Literature Volume One: From Columba to the Union (until 1707). Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. 77-82
JESCH, J., 2006. The 'meaning of the narrative moment': Poets and history in the late Viking Age. In: TYLER, E.M and BALZARETTI, R., eds., Narrative and History in the Early Medieval West Turnhout: Brepols. 251-265.
JESCH, J., 2006. Viking 'geosophy' and some colonial place-names. In: GAMMELTOFT, P. and JØRGENSEN, B., eds., Names Through the Looking-Glass: Festschrift in honour of Gillian Fellows-Jensen. Copenhagen: C.A. Reitzels Forlag. 131-145
JESCH, J., 2006. To the wise poet Times Literary Supplement. 5370(03 Mar 2006), 26
JESCH, J., 2006. Review of Williams, G., and Bibire, P., eds, Sagas, Saints and Settlements The Scottish Historical Review. 85(2), 338-340
JESCH, J., 2005. Skaldic verse, a case of literacy <i>Avant la Lettre</i>?. In: HERMANN, P., ed., Literacy in medieval and early modern Scandinavian culture Odense: University Press of Southern Denmark. 187-210.
JESCH, J., 2005. Reading the Sources for Viking and Norse Scotland History Teaching Review Year Book. 19, 4-10
JESCH, J., 2005. Geography and travel. In: MCTURK, R., ed., A Companion to Old Norse-Icelandic Literature and Culture Oxford: Blackwell. 119-135
JESCH, J., 2005. Memorials in speech and writing Hikuin. 32, 95-104
JESCH, J., 2005. Literature in medieval Orkney. In: OWEN, O., ed., The World of Orkneyinga Saga Kirkwall: The Orcadian Limited. 11-24.
JESCH, J. and MOLLESON, T., 2005. The death of Magnus Erlendsson and the relics of St Magnus. In: OWEN,O., ed., The World of Orkneyinga Saga Kirkwall: The Orcadian Limited. 127-143.
CAVILL, P., HARDING, S.E. and JESCH, J., 2004. Revisiting Dingesmere Journal of the English Place-Name Society. 36, 25-38 JESCH, J., 2004. Vikings on the European continent in the late Viking Age. In: ADAMS, J. and HOLMAN, K., eds., Scandinavia and Europe 800-1350: contact, conflict, and coexistence Turnhout: Brepols. 255-268.
JESCH, J., 2004. Scandinavians and 'cultural paganism' in late Anglo-Saxon England. In: CAVILL, P., ed., The Christian tradition in Anglo-Saxon England: approaches to current scholarship and teaching Cambridge: D.S. Brewer. 55-68
JESCH, J., 2004. Youth on the prow: three young kings in the late Viking Age. In: GOLDBERG, P. J. and RIDDY, F., eds., Youth in the Middle Ages York: York Medieval Press. 123-139.
JESCH, J., 2002. Eagles, ravens and wolves: beasts of battle, symbols of victory and death. In: JESCH, J., ed., The Scandinavians from the Vendel Period to the Tenth Century Woodbridge: The Boydell Press. 251-271.
JESCH, J., ed., 2002. The Scandinavians from the Vendel Period to the Tenth Century Woodbridge: The Boydell Press.
JESCH, J., 2002. Sea-battles in skaldic poetry. In: JØRGENSEN, A.N., ed., Maritime warfare in Northern Europe : technology, organisation, logistics and administration 500 BC-1500 AD : papers from an international research seminar at the Danish National Museum, Copenhagen, 3-5 May 2000 Copenhagen : The National Museum of Denmark. 57-64.
JESCH, J., 2001. Ships and men in the late Viking Age : the vocabulary of runic inscriptions and skaldic verse Woodbridge: Boydell Press.
JESCH, J., 2001. Skaldic verse in Scandinavian England. In: GRAHAM-CAMPBELL, J, HALL, R, JESCH, J. and PARSONS, D.N., eds., Vikings and the Danelaw : selected papers from the proceedings of the Thirteenth Viking Congress, Nottingham and York, 21-30 August 1997 Oxford: Oxbow Books. 313-325.
GRAHAM-CAMPBELL, J., HALL, R., JESCH, J. and PARSONS, D.N., eds., 2001. Vikings and the Danelaw: selected papers from the proceedings of the Thirteenth Viking Congress, Nottingham and York, 21-30 August 1997 Oxford: Oxbow Books.
JESCH, J., 2001. Old Norse víkingr: a question of contexts. In: HOUGH, C., LOWE, K.A. and PAGE, R.I., eds., 'Lastworda betst'. Essays in Memory of Christine E. Fell Stamford : Shaun Tyas. 107-121.
JESCH, J., 2001. Review of Kelly De Vries, The Norwegian Invasion of England in 1066 History. 86, 383
JESCH, J., 2001. Women and ships in the Viking World Northern studies. 36, 49-68
JESCH, J., 2000. Scandinavian Wirral, From Scandinavia to the Wirral. In: CAVILL, P, HARDING, S and JESCH, J., eds., Wirral and its Viking Heritage Nottingham: English Place-Name Society. 1-16.
JESCH, J., 2000. Karin Fjellhammer Seim: De vestnordiske futharkinnskriftene fra vikingtid og middelalder -- form og funksjon. Doktordisputas … Annen opponent Maal og minne. 154-162
JESCH, J., 2000. Sagas and scaldic poetry. In: , ed., Artikler udgivet i anledning af Preben Meulengracht Sørensens 60 års fødselsdag Aarhus: Norrønt Forum. 7-18
JESCH, J., 2000. Review of Barbara E Crawford and Beverley, Ballin Smith, The Biggings, Papa Stour, Shetland: the history and archaeology of a royal Norwegian farm Archaeological Journal. 157, 407
JESCH, J., 2000. Knútr in poetry and history. In: DALLAPIAZZA, M, HANSEN, O, MEULENGRACHT SØRENSEN, P and BONNETAIN, Y.S., eds., International Scandinavian and Medieval Studies in Memory of Gerd Wolfgang Weber Trieste: Edizioni Parnaso. 243-256
JESCH, J., 2000. The power of poetry. In: ROESDAHL, E and MEULENGRACHT SØRENSEN, P., eds., Beretning fra nittende tværfaglige vikingesymposium Aarhus: Hikuin. 21-39.
JESCH, J., 2000. Egils saga Skallagrímssonar. In: CLASSE, O., ed., Encyclopedia of Literary Translation into English Chicago: Fitzroy Dearborn. 398-399
JESCH, J., 2000. Review of Alistair Campbell, ed., Simon Keynes, introd., Encomium Emmae Reginae History. 85, 311-312
JESCH, J., 1998. Review of Jenny Jochens, Women in Old Norse Society and Old Norse Images of Women Saga-Book. 25(NUMBER 1), 89-91
JESCH, J., 1998. Murder and treachery in the Viking Age. In: HASKETT, T., ed., Crime and Punishment in the Middle Ages Victoria, B.C.: University of Victoria. 63-85
JESCH, J., 1998. Review of Frank Hübler, Schwedische Runendichtung der Wikingerzeit Scandinavica. 37(1), 89-91
JESCH, J., 1998. The Norse Tradition; The Maeshowe verse; Krakumal; The Song of the Jomsvikings. In: CLANCY, T., ed., The Triumph Tree: Scotland's Earliest Poetry 550-1350 Edinburgh: Canongate. 40-43, 211, 215-2
JESCH, J., 1998. Skaldic studies Collegium Medievale. 11, 105-117
JESCH, J., 1998. Still standing in Ågersta: Textuality and literacy in late Viking-Age rune stone inscriptions. In: DÜWEL, K., ed., Runeninschriften als Quellen interdisziplinärer Forschung Berlin: Walter de Gruyter. 462-475
JESCH, J., 1998. Review of Peter Sawyer (ed.), The Oxford Illustrated History of the Vikings Archaeological Journal. 155, 407-408
JESCH, J., 1997. The Senja neck-ring and viking activity in the eleventh century. In: Blandade runstudier 2. Uppsala: Institutionen für nordiska språk, Uppsala Universitet. 7-12
JESCH, J., 1997. The Tale of Arnor, The Poet of Earls; The Tale of Ottar the Black; The Tale of Thorleif, The Earl's Poet; Ivar Ingimundarson's Tale; Gisl Illugason's Tale. In: HREINSSON, V., ed., The Complete Sagas of Icelanders Reykjavík: Leifur Eiríksson. I, 335-336, 340-341, 362-369, 385-387; III, 437-44
JESCH, J., 1996. Norse historical traditions and the "Historia Gruffud vab Kenan": Magnús berfoettr and Haraldr hárfagri. In: MAUND, K.L., ed., Gruffud ap Cynan: A Collaborative Biography Woodbridge: Boydell. 117-147
JESCH, J., 1996. Presenting traditions in Orkneyinga saga Leeds Studies in English. VOL 27, 69-86
JESCH, J., 1995. Review of Hilda Ellis Davidson: The Lost Beliefs of Northern Europe Scandinavica. 34(1), 125
JESCH, J., 1994. Skaldic and runic vocabulary and the Viking Age: A research project. In: AMBROSIANI, B and CLARKE, H., eds., Developments around the Baltic and the North Sea in the Viking Age Stockholm: The Birka Project. 294-301
JESCH, J., 1994. Review of Preben Meulengracht Sørensen, Fortælling og ære: studier i islændingesagaerne Scandinavica. 33(1), 90-92
JESCH, J., 1994. In praise of Ástríðr Óláfsdóttir Saga-Book. 24(1), 1-18 JESCH, J., 1994. Runic inscriptions and social history: some problems of method. In: KNIRK, J., ed., Proceedings of the Third International Symposium on Runes and Runic Inscriptions Uppsala: Institutionen für nordiska språk, Uppsala Universitet. 149-162
JESCH, J., 1993. Frauen der Vikingzeit Wien : Wiener Frauenverlag.
BATEY, C.E., JESCH, J. and MORRIS, C.D., 1993. The Viking Age in Caithness, Orkney and the North Atlantic: Select papers from the proceedings of the Eleventh Viking Congress, Thurso and Kirkwall, 22 August - 1 September 1989 Edinburgh : Edinburgh University Press.
JESCH, J., 1993. England and Orkneyinga saga. In: BATEY, C., JESCH, J. and MORRIS, C., eds., The Viking Age in Caithness, Orkney and the North Atlantic Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. 222-239
JESCH, J., 1993. History in the 'political sagas' Medium Ævum. 62, 210-220
JESCH, J., 1993. Review of Rory McTurk, Studies in ‘Ragnars saga loðbrókar’ Medium Ævum. 62, 156-157
JESCH, J., 1993. Review of Donald Scragg (ed.), The Battle of Maldon, R. G. Poole, Viking Poems on War and Peace Early Medieval Europe. 2(1), 92-93
JESCH, J., 1993. Skaldic verse and viking semantics. In: FAULKES, A. and PERKINS, R., eds., Viking Revaluations London: Viking Society for Northern Research. 160-171
JESCH, J., 1992. Hrómundar saga Gripssonar; Illuga saga Griðarfóstra. In: PULSIANO, P., ed., Medieval Scandinavia: An Encyclopedia New York: Garland. 322-323
JESCH, J., 1992. "Good men" and peace in Njáls saga. In: HINES, J. and SLAY, D., eds., Introductory Essays on Egils saga and Njáls saga London: Viking Society for Northern Research. 64-82
JESCH, J., 1992. Narrating Orkneyinga saga Scandinavian Studies. 64(3), 336-355
JESCH, J., 1991. Women in the Viking Age Woodbridge: Boydell.
JESCH, J., 1990. Review of Bjarne Fidjestøl et al. (eds), Tekstkritisk teori og praksis Scandinavica. 29(1), 129-130
JESCH, J., 1990. New finds from Orkney Nytt om runer: meldingsblad om runeforskning. 13-14
JESCH, J., 1990. Review of John Lindow, Scandinavian Mythology Scandinavica. 29(1), 106-107
JESCH, J., 1989. Frauen in der altnordischen Literatur. In: ZERNACK, J., ed., Auf-brüche. Uppbrott och uppbrytningar i skandinavistisk metoddiskussion Leverkusen: Norrøna. 152-180
JESCH, J., 1987. Early Christians in Icelandic history -- a case-study Nottingham Medieval Studies. 31, 17-36 JESCH, J., 1987. Review of Søren Kaspersen et al., Dansk litteratur historie I Saga-Book. 22(2), 116-119
JESCH, J., 1987. Review of Anikó Balogh (ed.), Edda. Óészaki mitologikus és hősi énekek Saga-Book. 22(2), 130-131
JESCH, J., 1986. Review of Bjarne Fidjestøl et al. (eds), Festskrift til Ludvig Holm-Olsen Saga-Book. 22(1), 87-88
JESCH, J., 1984. Hrómundr Gripsson revisited Skandinavistik. 14(2), 89-105
JESCH, J., 1984. Translations of poems by Rolf Jacobsen, Sigmund Mjelve, Halvor Roll. In: JOHANSSEN, T., ed., 20 Contemporary Norwegian Poets Oslo: Universitetsforlaget. 24-27, 88-97, 114-117
JESCH, J., 1983. Review of Hedda Gunneng and Birgit Strand (eds), Kvinnans ekonomiska ställning under nordisk medeltid Saga-Book. 21(1-2), 122-123
JESCH, J., 1982. Two lost sagas Saga-Book. 21(1), 1-14 JESCH, J., 1982. Ásmundar saga flagðagæfu Arv. 38, 103-131
JESCH, J., 1981. Review of Peter Buchholz, Vorzeitkunde: Mündliches Erzählen und Überliefern im mittelalterlichen Skandinavien Saga-Book. 20(4), 315-317
JESCH, J., 1981. Review of Gripla II, III Saga-Book. 20(4), 313-315