School of English

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Image of Andrew Harrison

Andrew Harrison

Associate Professor in English Literature, Faculty of Arts


Expertise Summary

D. H. Lawrence; literary modernism; late nineteenth- and early twentieth-century literature and culture; biography; textual criticism and editing; book history.

I am founding editor of the Journal of D. H. Lawrence Studies: I edited this journal from 2006-2011 and currently act as Advisory Editor. I am on the Editorial Board of the journals Katherine Mansfield Studies and the D. H. Lawrence Review. I have reviewed articles for a number of journals, and I have reviewed manuscripts for Palgrave, Routledge, Manchester University Press, Edinburgh University Press, Oxford University Press and Cambridge University Press. I am Director of the D. H. Lawrence Research Centre in the School of English (part of the School's Centre for Literary Creativity, Community and Place); President of the D. H. Lawrence Society of Great Britain; and a member of the D. H. Lawrence Society of North America and the Katherine Mansfield Society.

Outreach and Public Engagement

I work closely with the D. H. Lawrence Birthplace Museum in Eastwood, the University's Department of Manuscripts and Special Collections, and the D. H. Lawrence Society to organise a wide range of outreach events, including the annual D. H. Lawrence Festival of Culture. I also liaise with the local, national and international media to raise the profile of D. H. Lawrence and his links with the University and the region. In 2016 I was awarded a Vice-Chancellor's Medal for my work in helping regional communities to understand and celebrate their rich literary heritage.

Teaching Summary

My teaching draws on my research in twentieth-century literature; it covers a range of areas including modernist writing, post-war and contemporary literature, regional writing, and the work of D. H.… read more

Research Summary

My current research focuses on D. H. Lawrence, literary biography, textual criticism and editing, modernism, book history, and the literary marketplace. I have recently published a monograph on… read more

Selected Publications

D. H. Lawrence; Katherine Mansfield; literary modernism; twentieth-century literature

I have successfully supervised (or co-supervised) to completion eight PhD theses on: short film adaptations of D. H. Lawrence's short stories; D. H. Lawrence and his early interactions with the literary marketplace; space and place in Anglophone and German language poetry of the 1960s and 1970s; Radclyffe Hall and male homosexuality; the Chinese influence on Bloomsbury; Katherine Mansfield and the literary marketplace; D. H. Lawrence's travel writings and writings on travel; contemporary fiction and globalisation.

My one current M4C-funded PhD student (co-supervised with Professor Andrew Thacker of Nottingham Trent University) is working on D. H. Lawrence and censorship.

My teaching draws on my research in twentieth-century literature; it covers a range of areas including modernist writing, post-war and contemporary literature, regional writing, and the work of D. H. Lawrence. I teach students at all levels, from first-year undergraduates to postgraduates. In 2013 I was awarded a Lord Dearing Award for excellence in teaching.

Undergraduate modules taught

I co-convene the level three module 'Single Author Study' (and teach the strand on D. H. Lawrence), and I contribute to the teaching of twentieth-century and contemporary literature on the level one and level two modules 'Studying Literature' and 'Modern and Contemporary Literature'. I also contribute to the level one subsidiary module 'Regional Writers'.

Postgraduate modules taught

I convene the Distance Learning module 'D. H. Lawrence and Modernism' and the Applied English pods 'Modernism and D. H. Lawrence' and 'The Modernist Short Story'. I currently teach on the MA modules 'Modernism and the Avant Garde in Literature and Drama' and 'Textualities'.

Current Research

My current research focuses on D. H. Lawrence, literary biography, textual criticism and editing, modernism, book history, and the literary marketplace. I have recently published a monograph on Lawrence in the Wiley-Blackwell 'Life of the Author' series. I am also under contract to edit Wyndham Lewis' Paleface for Oxford University Press. I am the author of The Life of D. H. Lawrence (2016), a volume in the Wiley-Blackwell 'Critical Biographies' series. An important facet of the research for this book entailed discovering new materials related to Lawrence's life and writing practices. Since 2010 I have edited and annotated recently-discovered correspondence for the annual Journal of D. H. Lawrence Studies, and in March 2013 I published an article in the Times Literary Supplement on my discovery of an unpublished Lawrence manuscript. I have edited a collection of essays on Lawrence entitled D. H. Lawrence in Context (Cambridge University Press, 2018).

Past Research

My previous research focused on D. H. Lawrence's relationship to literary modernism. In addition to numerous articles, I have published a monograph on D. H. Lawrence and Italian Futurism (Rodopi, 2003) and co-edited a casebook of modern critical essays on Sons and Lovers (Oxford University Press, 2005).

  • HARRISON, A., 2024. D. H. Lawrence, Émile Zola and the Bodily Unconscious. In: GRICE, ANNALISE, ed., The Bloomsbury Handbook to D. H. Lawrence Bloomsbury. 71-87
  • HARRISON, A., 2024. The Life of the Author: D. H. Lawrence Wiley-Blackwell.
  • HARRISON, A., 2021. Katherine Mansfield and D. H. Lawrence. In: MARTIN, TODD, ed., The Bloomsbury Handbook to Katherine Mansfield Bloomsbury. 145-60
  • HARRISON, A., 2020. Historiography and Life Writing. In: REID, SUSAN and BROWN, CATHERINE, eds., The Edinburgh Companion to D. H. Lawrence and the Arts Edinburgh University Press. 103-15
  • HARRISON, A., 2019. ‘“Men No More Than the Subjective Material of the Machine”: Lawrence, Machinery and War-Time Psychology’. In: INDREK MÄNNISTE, ed., D. H. Lawrence, Technology, and Modernity Bloomsbury. 73-83
  • HARRISON, A., ed., 2018. D. H. Lawrence in Context Cambridge University Press.
  • HARRISON, A., 2018. D. H. Lawrence, Rananim and Gilbert Cannan's Windmills The Review of English Studies. 69(292), 953-966
  • HARRISON, A., 2017. "A New Continent of the Soul": D. H. Lawrence, Porthcothan and the Necessary Fiction of Cornwall Journal of D. H. Lawrence Studies. 4(3), 33-43
  • HARRISON, A., 2016. Fable, Myth and Folktale: The Writing of Oral and Traditional Story Forms. In: HEAD, D., ed., The Cambridge History of the English Short Story Cambridge University Press. 84-99
  • HARRISON, A., 2016. The Life of D. H. Lawrence: A Critical Biography Wiley-Blackwell.
  • HARRISON, A and WORTHEN, J, 2015. Further Letters of D. H. Lawrence Journal of D. H. Lawrence Studies. 4(1), 7-12
  • HARRISON, A., 2014. Urban Spaces, Fragmented Consciousness, and Indecipherable Meaning in Mrs Dalloway. In: ALLEN, NICOLA and SIMMONS, DAVID, eds., Reassessing the Twentieth-Century Canon: From Joseph Conrad to Zadie Smith Palgrave. 43-55
  • HARRISON. A, 2014. 'The Date of Composition of D. H. Lawrence's 'Laura Philippine'' Notes and Queries. Vol. 61(No. 4), pp. 591-2
  • HARRISON, A., 2014. 'I tell you it has got form - form': Plot, Structure, and Meaning in Sons and Lovers D. H. Lawrence Review. 39(2), 11-24
  • HARRISON, A and WORTHEN, J, 2014. Further Letters of D. H. Lawrence Journal of D. H. Lawrence Studies. 3(3), 7-9
  • HARRISON, A., 2013. Meat-lust: An Unpublished Manuscript by D. H. Lawrence Times Literary Supplement. 5739(29 March 2013), 15
  • HARRISON, A., 2013. The White Peacock and "The School of Lorna Doone" D. H. Lawrence Review. 38(1), 45-56
  • HARRISON, A., 2013. The Lawrences, Katherine Mansfield and the ‘Ricordi’ Postcard Katherine Mansfield Studies. 5, 149-153
  • HARRISON, A. and WORTHEN, J., 2013. Further Letters of D. H. Lawrence Journal of D. H. Lawrence Studies. 3(2), 7-12
  • HARRISON, A., 2013. The regional modernism of D.H. Lawrence and James Joyce. In: ALEXANDER, N. and MORAN, J., eds., Regional modernisms Edinburgh University Press. 44-64
  • HARRISON, A., 2012. Ambivalence, language and the uncanny in Katherine Mansfield's In a German Pension Katherine Mansfield Studies. 4, 51-62
  • HARRISON, A., 2012. Further Letters of D. H. Lawrence Journal of D. H. Lawrence Studies. 3(1), 7-16
  • HARRISON, A., 2011. D. H. Lawrence The Year's Work in English Studies. 90, 801-7
  • HARRISON, A. and WORTHEN, J., 2011. Further Letters of D. H. Lawrence Journal of D. H. Lawrence Studies. 2(3), 7-9
  • HARRISON, A and AND WORTHEN, J., 2010. Further Letters of D. H. Lawrence Journal of D. H. Lawrence Studies. 2(2), 7-16
  • HARRISON, A., 2010. D. H. Lawrence The Year's Work in English Studies. 89, 827-36
  • HARRISON, A., 2009. Art and money: George Gissing, D.H. Lawrence and the literary marketplace The Gissing Journal. 45(1), 35-50
  • HARRISON, A., 2009. Dust-jackets, blurbs and forewords: the marketing of Sons and Lovers. In: BOOTH, H.J., ed., New D.H. Lawrence Manchester University Press. 17-33
  • HARRISON, A., 2008. Hymns in a man's life: the Congregational chapel and D.H. Lawrence's early poetry. In: GRAFE, A., ed., Ecstasy and understanding: religious awareness in English poetry from the late Victorian to the modern period Continuum.
  • HARRISON, A., 2008. D. H. Lawrence's Selected Short Stories: A Study Guide Humanities E-books. Available at: <>
  • HARRISON, A., 2007. 'Sons and Lovers': A Study Guide Humanities E-books. Available at: <>
  • HARRISON, A., 2006. The Erotic in D. H. Lawrence's Early Poetry. In: BARFOOT, C. C., ed., 'And Never Know the Joy': Sex and the Erotic in English Poetry Amsterdam: Editions Rodopi. 303-315 (In Press.)
  • HARRISON, A., 2006. Old Issues and New Editions: D. H. Lawrence Today (Review Article) Studies in the Novel. 38(2), 248-59 (In Press.)
  • HARRISON, A. AND WORTHEN, J., ed., 2005. 'Sons and Lovers': A Casebook New York: Oxford University Press.
  • HARRISON, A., 2003. D. H. Lawrence and Italian Futurism: A Study of Influence Amsterdam: Editions Rodopi.
  • HARRISON, A., 2001. Lawrence's 'Perfervid Futuristic Style' and the Writing of the Body in 'The Rainbow'. In: POPLAWSKI, P., ed., Writing the Body in D. H. Lawrence: Essays on Language, Representation and Sexuality Connecticut: Greenwood Press. 45-54
  • HARRISON, A., 2000. Electricity and the Place of Futurism in 'Women in Love' D. H. Lawrence Review. 29(2), 7-23
  • HARRISON, A., 1999. Reading the 'Restored' Text of 'Wintry Peacock' The Journal of the D. H. Lawrence Society. 8-22
  • HARRISON, A, 1998. D. H. Lawrence's Futurist Reading: Two Errors in Footnotes from the Second Volume of the Cambridge Letters Notes and Queries. 243(June), 231-2
  • HARRISON, A. (CO-AUTHORED WITH HIBBITT, R.), 1996. D. H. Lawrence and Thomas Mann Notes and Queries. 241(December), 443

School of English

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