School of Geography

University Research Engagement

The School of Geography is actively involved with the University's research ecosystem, via leading roles in the university's Global Research Themes and Beacons of Excellence, and through broader engagement facilitated through the school's Collaborative Research Hubs.

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Sustainable Societies

The School of Geography has a leading role (Metcalfe) in the university's Developing Sustainable Societies Global Research Theme (GRT) and several academics within the school are engaged in the Interdisciplinary Research Clusters within the GRT.

Our involvement is informing research agendas, shaping policy and creating new ways of living to address some of the urgent political, social, environmental and economic challenges that confront us and allow societies to flourish going forwards.

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Rights Lab Beacon

The university's Rights Lab Beacon is home to the world’s largest group of modern slavery researchers and the School of Geography plays a leading role in the Beacon (Boyd), contributing expertise in earth observation (Boyd, Foody), social-ecological systems (Ives) and mixed methods approaches (Jackson).

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Future Food Beacon

School of Geography researchers (for example, Jones) are improving understanding of the factors that impact the resilience of crops through working with the university’s Future Food Beacon.



School of Geography

Sir Clive Granger Building
University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

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