Department of Classics and Archaeology

The west front of Lincoln Cathedral (UK)

David Taylor

This research set out to examine the controversial theory that the west front of Lincoln Cathedral was planned by Remigius, the first Bishop of Lincoln, as a secular, fortified, free standing tower not originally as part of the church. With help from University of Nottingham Archaeology students, a stone by stone survey was made; it was hoped that an analysis of the structure would show the archaeological and social relationships between the rooms and internal spaces of the west front. Research suggests that in fact little remains of what was previously accepted as Remigius' work, necessitating a reappraisal of the structural history of the west front.

Lincoln Cathedral, looking west from the central tower with the castle beyond

Lincoln Cathedral staircase- North West Crossing chamber



David Taylor, 'The Early West Front of Lincoln Cathedral', Archaeological Journal, Vol. 167, Is. 1, 2010



Department of Classics and Archaeology

University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

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