Department of Classics and Archaeology

Science in culture

Our department leads the field in culturally informed science. Our staff work closely with geochemists, geneticists, biologists, climate scientists and/or imaging specialists, to address questions that cannot be answered without hard science, but would never have been asked in the absence of cultural knowledge.
At the base of a snowy mountain are four orange tents and a white dome tent. A person in a red coat enters the dome tent.

What we cover

  • Undertaking isotope analysis to explore the chemical composition of objects but also soils/sediments and the remains of plants, animals and people
  • Investigating issues such as pollution, how and where things were made, or how plants and animals were raised and traded 
  • Looking at human-animal relationships, diets and migration patterns, how they have changed through time, and why
  • Demonstrating how culturally informed science can enrich our understanding of the human past, whilst generating deep-time evidence to inform its future

Find out about all our projects

Research with us

Find out more about our research degrees, funding, facilities and support.

Research degrees

Related centres and networks

Arts & Humanities Research Council 

Natural Environment Research Council




Department of Classics and Archaeology

University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

Contact details
Archaeology twitter
Classics twitter