Initial Teacher Education pre-course information

Well-being and Workload

The University of Nottingham ITE Partnership recognises that learning to teach is a demanding and intensive experience. We are, therefore, committed to working with our beginning teachers to explore how to manage workload effectively.

Emotional health and well-being is a key feature of all of our ITE programmes and, throughout your course, tutors will work with you to develop your confidence and professional identity so that you can enjoy being a teacher – we believe that, for pupils to be happy and confident in their learning, teachers need to be happy and confident in their job!

What you will find here are a range of resources that you could explore in advance of the course to support you to be as prepared as possible for your ITE programme.

Start by considering how you currently work and look after yourself, using the document ‘Reflecting on how I currently work and look after myself’ and use your reflections to identify which resources will be of most benefit.


Managing your time

Whilst there is occasionally a focus on university lectures/seminars/exams in some sections of these resources you could easily adapt the advice to support you to think about the best way of organising your work during your ITE year.


Stress and wellbeing


  • BRiTE - this is an online programme of five interactive modules aimed at pre-service teachers to build their awareness of skills and practices that will help facilitate resilience

Working with others

  • Read this 'Are you mentorable?' article and watch the corresponding TED talk. Reflect on whether you think you are easily mentorable? Why do you think this? What skills might you want to develop to make you more open to mentoring? 

Student Services Centre – ITE Office

School of Education
Dearing Building
Jubilee Campus
Nottingham, NG8 1BB