NIGEL D. WHITE, 2020. Jam Tomorrow?: Implications for United Nations Human Rights Liability of the United States Supreme Court's Judgment on Immunity Human Rights Law Review. 20, 189-204
NIGEL D. WHITE, 2020. Understanding Nuclear Deterrence Within the International Constitutional Architecture. In: JONATHAN BLACK-BRANCH and DIETER FLECK, eds., Nuclear Non-Proliferation in International Law: Legal Challenges for Nuclear Security and Deterrence V. Springer. 237-267
NIGEL D. WHITE, 2020. From Covenant to Charter: A Legacy Squandered? International Community Law Review. 22, 310-330
NIGEL D. WHITE, 2020. The League of Nations, autonomy and collective security London Review of International Law.
NIGEL D. WHITE, 2020. In Search of Due Diligence Obligations in UN Peacekeeping Operations: Identifying Standards for Accountability Journal of International Peacekeeping. 23, 203-225 (In Press.)
NIGEL D. WHITE, 2019. Ending the US Embargo of Cuba: International Law in Dispute Journal of Latin American Studies. 51, 163-186 NIGEL D. WHITE, 2019. Peacekeeping Doctrine: An Autonomous Legal Order? Nordic Journal of International Law. 88(1), 86-110
NIGEL D. WHITE, 2019. The Legacy of the League of Nations: Continuity or Change? Revista Espanola de Derecho Internacional. 71, 277-283
NIGEL D. WHITE, 2019. Peace-making in Syria: Why the Security Council Fails Nottingham Law Journal. 28, 55-68
WHITE NIGEL D., 2018. A Willing International Federalist? The UK's Pivotal Role within the United Nations. In: SCHUTZE ROBERT and TIERNEY STEPHEN, eds., The United Kingdom and the Federal Idea Hart Publishing. 251-276
WHITE NIGEL D., 2018. The Korean War 1950-53. In: RUYS TOM, CORTEN OLIVIER and HOFER ALEXANDRA, eds., The Use of Force in International Law: A Case-based Approach Oxford University Press. 17-35
MOECKLI DANIEL and WHITE NIGEL D., 2018. Treaties as Living Instruments. In: BOWMAN MICHAEL and KRITSIOTIS DINO, eds., Conceptual and Contextual Perspectives on the Modern Law of Treaties Cambridge University Press. 136-171
WHITE, NIGEL D., FOOTER, MARY E., SENIOR, KERRY, VAN DORP, MARC, KIEZEBRINK, VINCENT and PURAKA, Y. WASI GEDE, 2018. Blurring of Public and Private Security in Indonesia: Corporate Interests and Human Rights in a Fragile World Netherlands International Law Review. 65(2), 217-252 WHITE, NIGEL D., 2018. Book Review: Human Rights and Personal Self-Defence in International Law Journal on the Use of Force in International Law.
WHITE NIGEL D. and DAVIES-BRIGHT LYDIA, 2017. Drone Strikes: a remote form of self-defence?. In: OHLIN JENS DAVID, ed., Research Handbook on Remote Warfare Edward Elgar Publishing. 213-245
WHITE NIGEL D., 2017. The Law of International Organisations Third. Manchester University Press.
WHITE NIGEL D., 2017. Autonomous and Collective Sanctions in the International Legal Order Italian Yearbook of International Law. 27, (In Press.)
WHITE NIGEL D., 2017. Settling Disputes: A Matter of Politics and Law. In: WERNER WOUTER, DE HOON MARIEKE and GALAN ALEXIS, eds., The Law of International Lawyers: Reading Martii Koskenniemi Cambridge University Press. 61-92
DAVIES-BRIGHT LYDIA and WHITE NIGEL D., 2016. Case Concerning Questions of Interpretation and Application of the 1971 Montreal Convention Arising from the Aerial Incident at Lockerbie. In: RYNGAERT C., DEKKER I.F. and WESSEL R.A., eds., Judicial Decisions of the Law of International Organizations Oxford University Press. 117-126
WHITE NIGEL.D, 2016. Security Agendas and International Law: The Case of New Technologies. In: FOOTER M.E., SCHMIDT J., WHITE N.D. and DAVIES-BRIGHT L., eds., Security and International Law Bloomsbury/Hart. 3-24
WHITE NIGEL. D, 2016. Sanctions Against Non-State Actors. In: RONZITTI N., ed., Coercive Diplomacy, Sanctions and International Law Brill/Nijhoff. 127-160
FOOTER M.E., SCHMIDT J., WHITE N.D. and DAVIES-BRIGHT L., eds., 2016. Security and International Law Bloomsbury/Hart.
WHITE NIGEL D., 2016. Lawmaking. In: COGAN JACOB K., HURD IAN and JOHNSTONE IAN, eds., The Oxford Handbook of International Organizations Oxford University Press. 559-580
WHITE NIGEL D., 2016. The Joint Committee, Drone Strikes and Self-Defence: Caught in No-Man's Land? Journal on the Use of Force in International Law. 3(2), 210-216
WHITE NIGEL D., 2015. Article 1. In: KOLB ROBERT, ed., Commentaire sur le Pacte de la Societe des Nations Bruylant. 95-107
WHITE NIGEL D., 2015. The Relationship Between the UN Security Council and General Assembly in Matters of International Peace and Security. In: WELLER MARC, ed., The Oxford Handbook of the Use of Force in International Law Oxford University Press. 293-313
WHITE NIGEL D., 2015. The Cuban Embargo under International Law: El Bloqueo Routledge.
MESQUITA ANA and WHITE NIGEL D., 2015. In: KOOPS J.A., MACQUEEN N., TARDY T. and WILLIAMS P.D., eds., Oxford Handbook of United Nations Peacekeeping Operations Oxford University Press. 153-159
SHUCKSMITH CHRISTY and WHITE NIGEL D., 2015. United Nations Military Observer Group in India and Pakistan. In: KOOPS J.A., MACQUEEN N., TARDY T. and WILLIAMS P.D., eds., Oxford Handbook of United Nations Peacekeeping Operations Oxford University Press. 133-143
WHITE NIGEL D., 2015. Peacekeeping and International Law. In: KOOPS J.A., MACQUEEN N., TARDY T. and WILLIAMS P.D., eds., Oxford Handbook of United Nations Peacekeeping Operations Oxford University Press. 43-59
MYJER ERIC P.J. and WHITE NIGEL D., 2015. Peace Operations Conducted by Regional Organizations and Arrangements. In: GILL T.D. and FLECK D., eds., The Handbook of the International Law of Military Operations Oxford University Press. 185-209
WHITE, NIGEL D., 2014. The use of weapons in peace operations. In: CASEY-MASLEN, S., ed., Weapons under international human rights law Cambridge University Press. 197-239
WHITE, NIGEL D., 2014. Advanced Introduction to International Conflict and Security Law Edward Elgar.
WHITE, NIGEL S. and ABASS, A., 2014. Countermeasures and Sanctions. In: EVANS, M., ed., International Law 4th. Oxford University Press. 537-562
WHITE, NIGEL D., 2014. Security Council Mandates and the Use of Lethal Force by Peacekeepers: What Place for the Laws of War?. In: HARVEY, C, SUMMERS, J and WHITE, NIGEL D., eds., Contemporary Challenges to the Laws of War: Essays in Honour of Peter Rowe Cambridge University Press. 95-116
HARVEY, CAROLINE, SUMMERS, JAMES and WHITE, NIGEL D., eds., 2014. Contemporary Challenges to the Laws of War: Essyas in Honour of Peter Rowe Cambridge University Press.
TSAGOURIAS, N. and WHITE, N.D., 2013. Collective security: theory, law and practice Cambridge University Press.
N.D. WHITE, 2013. Preventive Counter-Terrorism and International Law Journal of Conflict and Security Law. 18(2), 181-192
COLLINS R and WHITE N.D., 2013. Between Independence and Accountability: Exploring the Legal Autonomy of International Organizations. In: REINALDA B, ed., Routledge Handbook of International Organization Routledge. 119-131
WHITE N.D., 2012. Oxford Bibliographies Online: Peacekeeping Oxford University Press.
WHITE N.D., 2012. Regulatory Initiatives at the International Level. In: BAKKER C., AND SOSSAI M., ed., Multi-Level Regulation of Private Military and Security Contractors: The Interplay Between European, International and Domestic Norms Hart. 11-30
WHITE N.D., 2012. The United Nations and Counter-Terrorism: Multilateral and Executive Law-Making. In: SALINAS DE FRIAS A.M. SAMUEL K.L.H. AND WHITE N.D., ed., Counter-Terrorism: International Law and Practice Oxford University Press.
SALINAS DE FRIAS A.M, SAMUEL K.L.H., WHITE N.D., ed., 2012. Counter-Terrorism: International Law and Practice Oxford University Press.
SAMUEL K.L.H. and WHITE N.D., eds., 2012. Counter-Terrorism and International Law Ashgate.
WHITE N.D., 2012. The Interpretation of Nonproliferation Treaties. In: JOYNER D.H. and ROSCINI M., eds., Nonproliferation Law as a Special Regime Cambridge University Press. 87-118
WHITE N.D. BUCHAN R. AND JONES H., 2011. The Externalization of Peacekeeping: Policy, Responsibility and Accountability Journal of International Peacekeeping. 15, 281-315
WHITE N.D., 2011. Institutional Responsibility for Private Military and Security Companies. In: FRANCIONI F. AND RONZITTI N., ed., War by Contract: Human Rights, Humanitarian Law and Private Contractors Oxford University Press. 381-395
WHITE N.D., 2011. Decision-Making. In: KLABBERS J., ed., Research Handbook on the Law of International Organizations Edward Elgar. 225-250
WHITE N.D., 2011. The Privatization of Military and Security Functions and Human Rights: Comments on the UN Working Group’s Draft Convention Human Rights Law Review. 11, 133-151
WHITE N.D., 2011. Towards Integrated Peace Operations. In: ODELLO M and AND PIETROWICZ R, eds., International Military Missions and International Law Brill. 1-23
WHITE N.D., 2011. Terrorism, Security and International Law. In: HEHIR A, KUHRT N and AND MUMFORD A., eds., International Law, Security and Ethics Routledge. 9-30
WHITE, N.D., 2011. Layers of autonomy in the UN system. In: COLLINS R. and WHITE, N.D., eds., International organizations and the idea of autonomy: institutional independence in the international legal order Routledge. 298-315
COLLINS R., AND WHITE N.D., ed., 2011. International Organizations and the Idea of Autonomy: Institutional Independence in the International Legal Order Routledge.
WHITE N.D., 2011. The Security Council, the Security Imperative and International Law. In: HAPPOLD M., ed., International Law in a Multipolar World Routledge. 4-22
WHITE N.D., 2011. Libya and Lessons from Iraq: International Law and the Use of Force by the United Kingdom Netherlands Yearbook of International Law.
WHITE N.D. AND COLLINS R., 2010. Moving Beyond the Autonomy-Accountability Dichotomy: Reflections on Institutional Independence in the International Legal Order International Organizations Law Review. 7, 1-8
FRENCH D., SAUL M. and WHITE N.D., eds., 2010. International Law and Dispute Settlement: New Problems and Techniques Hart.
WHITE N.D. and SAUL M., 2010. Legal Means of Dispute Settlement in the Field of Collective Security: The Quasi-Jusdicial Powers of the Security Council. In: FRENCH D., SAUL M. and WHITE N.D., eds., International Law and Dispute Settlement: New Problems and Techniques Hart. 191-224
WHITE N.D. and ABASS A., 2010. Countermeasures and Sanctions. In: EVANS M., ed., International Law 3rd ed. Oxford University Press. 531-558
WHITE N.D., 2010. International Law, The United Kingdom and Decisions to Deploy Troops Abroad International and Comparative Law Quarterly. 59, 814-823 WHITE, N.D., 2009. Democracy goes to war: British military deployments in international law Oxford University Press.
WHITE, N.D., CARDWELL, P. and FRENCH, D., 2009. The Kadi Case before the European Court of Justice International and Comparative Law Quarterly. 58, 229-240
CRYER, R. and WHITE N.D., 2009. The International Criminal Court and the Security Council: An Uncomfortable Relationship. In: DORIA, J., GASSER, H.P. and BASSIOUNI, M.C., eds., Ther Legal Regime of the International Criminal Court: Essays in Memory of Igor Blishchenko Martinus Nijhoff. 455-484
WHITE, N.D., 2009. Empowering Peace Operations to Protect Civilians: Form over Substance? Journal of International Peacekeeping. 13, 327-355
WHITE N.D., 2009. The Road to Kandahar: The International Legal Basis of Military Operations in Afghanistan. In: KAIKOBAD K.H. and BOHLANDER M., eds., International Law and Power: Perspectives on Legal Order and Justice Martinus Nijhoff. 485-512
WHITE, N.D., 2009. Peace Operations. In: CHETAIL, V., ed., Post-Conflict Peacebuilding: A Lexicon Oxford University Press. 213-227
WHITE, N.D., 2009. Responses of Political Organs to Crimes by States. In: NOLLKAEMPER, A. and VAN DER VILT, H., eds., System Criminality in International Law Cambridge University Press. 314-337
WHITE, N.D., 2009. Defending Humanity Melbourne Journal of International Law. 10, 379-393
WHITE, N.D., 2008. The United Nations as the 'Parliament of Man' International History Review. 30, 32-60 WHITE, N.D., 2008. Separate but Connected: Inter-governmental Organizations and International Law International Organizations Law Review. 5, 1-21
WHITE, N.D., 2007. The EU as a Regional Security Actor within the International Legal Order. In: TRYBUS, M and WHITE, N.D., eds., European Security Law Oxford University Press. 329-249
WHITE, N.D. and ODELLO, M., 2007. The Legal Basis for Human Rights Field Operations. In: O'FLAHERTY, M., ed., The Human Rights Field Operation: Law, Theory and Practice Ashgate. 46-67
TRYBUS, M. and WHITE N.D., eds., 2007. European Security Law Oxford University Press.
WHITE, N.D., 2007. Hierarchy in Organizations: Regional Bodies and the United Nations. In: TSAGOURIAS, N., ed., Transnational Constitutionalism: International and European Perspectives Cambridge University Press. 135-139
WHITE, N.D., 2007. The Applicability of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights to the UN Security Council. In: BADERIN, M. and MCCORQUODALE, R., eds., Economic, Social and Cultural Rights in Action Oxford University Press. 89-107
WHITE, N.D., 2006. The Ties that Bind: The EU, the UN and International Law Netherlands Yearbook of International Law. 37, 57-107
WHITE, N.D. and ABASS, A., 2006. Countermeasures and Sanctions. In: EVANS, M., ed., International Law 2nd ed. Oxford University Press. 509-532
BURCHILL, R., MORRIS, J. and WHITE N.D., eds., 2005. International Conflict and Security Law: Essays in Memory of Hilaire McCoubrey Cambridge University Press.
WHITE, N.D., 2005. The Law of International Organisations 2nd. Manchester University Press.
WHITE, N.D. and KLAASEN, D., eds., 2005. The UN, Human Rights and Post-Conflict Situations Manchester University Press, Manchester, UK.
KLAASEN D. and WHITE N.D., 2005. An Emerging Legal Regime?. In: WHITE N.D. AND KLAASEN D., ed., The UN, Human Rights and Post-Conflict Situations Manchester University Press. 1-16
WHITE N.D., 2005. Towards a Strategy for Human Rights Protection in Post-Conflict Situations. In: WHITE N.D. AND KLAASEN D., ed., The UN, Human Rights and Post-Conflict Situations Manchester University Press. 463-493
WHITE N.D., 2005. Self-Defence, Security Council Authority and Iraq. In: BURCHILL R., WHITE N.D. AND MORRIS J., ed., International Conflict and Security Law: Essays in Honour of Hilaire McCoubrey Cambridge University Press. 325-384
WHITE, N.D., 2004. The Will and Authority of the Security Council after Iraq Leiden Journal of International Law. 17, 645-672 WHITE N.D., 2004. The Future of Arms Control Laws: An Overview of the Workshop Journal of Conflict and Security Law. 9, 299-302
WHITE N.D., 2004. Discerning Separate Will. In: HEERE W.P., ed., From Government to Governance: 2003 Hague Joint Conference on Contemporary Issues of International Law TMC Asser Press. 31-38
WHITE, N.D., ed., 2003. Collective Security Law (The Library of Essays in International Law Series) Ashgate Publishing Group, Aldershot & London.
WHITE, N.D. and ABASS, A., 2003. Countermeasures and Sanctions. In: International Law Oxford University Press, Oxford. 505-528
WHITE, N.D., 2003. Introduction. In: Collective Security Law (The Library of Essays in International Law) Ashgate Publishing Group, Aldershot & London.
CRYER,R. and WHITE,N.D., 2002. The Security Council and the International Criminal Court: Who's Feeling Threatened? International Peacekeeping. 8, 141-168
WHITE, N.D., 2002. The United Kingdom: Increasing Commitment Requires Greater Parliamentary Involvement. In: Democratic Accountability and the Use of Military Force in International Law Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK. 300-322
WHITE, N.D., 2002. On the Brink of Lawlessness: The State of Collective Security Law Indiana International and Comparative Law Review. 13, 1-15
MYJER, E. and WHITE N.D., 2002. The Twin Tower Attack: An Unlimited Right to Self-Defence? Journal of Conflict and Security Law. 7, 5-17 WHITE, N.D., 2002. The United Nations System: Toward International Justice Lynne Rienner Publishers, Boulder and London.
WHITE, N.D., 2001. The World Court, The WHO and the UN System. In: BLOKKER N.M. AND SCHERMERS H.G., ed., The Proliferation of International Organizations: Legal Issues (Legal Aspects of International Organization Series) Brill, N.V. Boekhandel en Drukkerij N.H. E.J., Leiden, Netherlands. 85-109
WHITE, N.D., 2000. The United Nations System: Contract, Conference or Constitutional Order? Singapore Journal of International and Comparative Law. 4, 281-299
WHITE, N.D., 2000. The Legality of Bombing in the Name of Humanity Journal of Conflict and Security Law. 5, 27-43 WHITE, N., 2000. The United Nations and Democracy Assistance Developing Practice Within a Constitutional Framework. In: Democracy Assistance: International Co-operation for Democratization (Democratization Studies Series) Cass (Frank) & Co. Ltd, Liford, Essex, UK. 67-89
WHITE,N.D. and CRYER R., 1999. Unilateral Enforcement of Resolution 687: A Threat Too Far? California Western International Law Journal. 29, 243-282
MCCOUBREY, H. and WHITE N.D., 1999. Textbook on Jurisprudence (Textbook Series) Third. Blackstone Press Ltd, London, UK.
WHITE, N.D., 1999. The Legality of Threat of Force against Iraq Security Dialogue. 30, 75-86 WHITE, N.D., 1998. The Law of War Crimes Melbourne University Law Review. 22, 230-237
WHITE, N.D., 1997. Keeping the Peace: The United Nations and the Maintenance of International Peace and Security (Melland Schill Studies in International Law Series) Second. Manchester University Press, Manchester, UK.
WHITE, N.D. and ULGEN, O., 1997. The Security Council and the Decentralised Military Option: Constitutionality and Function Netherlands International Law Review. XLIV, 378-413
MCCOUBREY, H. and WHITE N.D., 1996. Textbook on Jurisprudence (Textbook Series) Second. Blackstone Press Ltd, London, UK.
MCCOUBREY, H. and WHITE N.D., 1996. The Blue Helmets: The Legal Regulation of UN Military Operations Dartmouth Publishing Co. Ltd, Aldershot.
WHITE, N.D., 1996. The Law of International Organisations (Melland Schill Studies in International Law Series) Manchester University Press, Manchester, UK.
WHITE N.D., 1996. The UN Charter and Peacekeeping: Constitutional Issues International Peacekeeping. 3(4), 43-63
WHITE N.D., 1996. Commentary on the Protection of the Kurdish Safe Haven: Operation Desert Strike Journal of Armed Conflict Law. 1(2), 197-204
MCCOUBREY, H., and WHITE N.D., 1995. International Organizations and Civil Wars Ashgate Publishing Group, Aldershot & London.
WHITE N.D., 1994. Collective Sanctions: An Alternative to Military Coercion? International Relations. 12, 75-91
WHITE N.D., 1994. UN Peacekeeping: Development or Destruction? International Relations. 12, 129-158
WHITE, N.D., 1993. Keeping the peace : The United Nations and the Maintenance of International Peace and Security (Melland Schill Monographs in International Law Series) Manchester University Press, Manchester, UK.
MCCOUBREY, H. and WHITE N.D., 1992. International Law and Armed Conflict Ashgate Publishing Group, Aldershot & London.
MCCOUBREY, H. and WHITE N.D., 1992. Textbook on Jurisprudence (Textbook Series) Blackstone Press Ltd, London, UK.
MCCOUBREY H. and WHITE N.D., 1991. International Law and the Use of Force in the Gulf International Relations. 10, 347-373
WHITE, N.D., 1990. The United Nations and the Maintenance of International Peace and Security (Melland Schill Monographs in International Law Series) Manchester University Press, Manchester, UK.
WHITE N.D., 1989. The Legality of Intervention Following the Nicaragua Case International Relations. 9, 535-551