DNA Sequencing
The DNA Sequencing Facilty based in the School of Life Sciences has for over 20 years provided a fast, accurate and comprehensive DNA sequence analysis service, utilizing dye terminator chemistry. The service is used by numerous departments throughout the University.
To carry out analysis, we currently use a 3130xl ABI PRISM Genetic Analyzer (Life Technologies).

The Genetic Analyzer runs samples in sets of 16, two 96 well plates can be loaded into the instrument at any one time.

Migration of PCR Fragments through capillary array
We use the latest dye terminator chemistry (BigDye version 3.1) for high-sensitivity Sanger sequencing.
There are two ways you can submit your samples to us:
Provide us with the template(s) and primer(s) and we will perform the reaction for you.
Or, if you prefer, you can carry out the reaction(s) yourself and provide us with the dried pellet of DNA to run (in these circumstances we can provide you with aliquots of discounted BigDye and Sequencing buffer and help you plan your sequence reactions).
Sequences are run over night and next day turnaround happens regularly. We always aim to turn around samples as quickly as possible.
If you would like to submit a request for DNA sequencing, please download the request form, complete it and drop it off to us with your samples.