Press releases

Having a passenger present could improve safety for drivers in semi-autonomous cars

A simulator study shows the presence of a passenger can improve drivers’ focus on the road and help them to decide when manual control is needed in self-driving vehicles, but taking back control is still difficult.

Seven schools from across Ghana compete in University-organised engineering competition

The University of Nottingham’s Faculty of Engineering has continued its commitment to inspiring future engineers and architects across the globe by organising the second edition of the School’s Structure Building competition in Ghana.

An easy pill to swallow – new 3D printing research paves way for personalised medication

A new technique for 3D printing medication has enabled the printing of multiple drugs in a single tablet, paving the way for personalised pills that can deliver timed doses.

New plastic coating discovery gives greater functionality to 3D printing

Scientists and engineers have developed a new coating for plastic particles that are used in 3D printing, which significantly increases their functionality and opens up new possibilities for commercial application.

University of Nottingham driving force behind new driver drowsiness and attention warning system

The University of Nottingham's Human Factors Research Group, in collaboration with BlueSkeye AI, has successfully validated the company's vehicle drowsiness detection technology for use in cars in Europe ahead of a new law which comes into effect on 7 July 2024.

Trash to treasure – researchers turn metal waste into catalyst for hydrogen

Scientists have found a way to transform metal waste into a highly efficient catalyst to make hydrogen from water, a discovery that could make hydrogen production more sustainable.

World-first microscopic probe could revolutionise early cancer diagnosis

Researchers at the University of Nottingham have created an endoscopic device that can 3D image the stiffness of individual biological cells and complex organisms, a discovery that could help doctors discover and treat cancer earlier.

Spin-out company launches that will revolutionise the power generation sector

One-of-a-kind AI-driven software that can monitor the “health” of critical power plant components is being developed for sector use with the launch of a new spin-out company.

University of Nottingham launches national inquiry into transition to net zero

The University of Nottingham Institute for Policy and Engagement has launched a policy commission with former Deputy Leader of the Labour Party and Honorary Professor Lord Watson, to investigate a just transition to net zero.

Over £70 million investment will allow the University of Nottingham to power future transport to net zero

The University of Nottingham has secured more than £70 million to establish new world-leading and open-access research facilities and programmes that will decarbonise future transport.
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