Through 29 video conversations, and supported by 13 short papers which interpreted the theoretical basis, 21 staff and students from across campus helped to uncover how the University was learning from internationalisation …

Featured video

"It has made me recognise the need to get feedback from students in their body language and their expressions"

Martin Binks
The staff experience of learning from internationalisation.

Short paper

Learning in university: the role of university teachers: Earlier literature on teaching international students in higher education focused on helping students to adapt to the dominant ("our") learning cultures (Ballard and Clanchy, 1997i) and viewed differences between home and international students as deficits. This paper briefly focuses on the later work of contributions to higher education teaching, specifically John Biggs (2003) an educational psychologist and former Professor at the University of Hong Kong, and various other writers. All of these writers argue that cross-cultural teaching should focus on the universality of the learning process rather than on pedagogical and cultural differences.
(Learning in university: the role of university teachers)

More scholarly interpretations of the theoretical basis:

... all Internationalisation short papers

Internationalisation themes

"The scale of the overseas campuses is growing up, they're building their own values, and we've got exchange in both directions."


"We're looking at something the same, but we all pool together our experiences and it makes a new thing."


"As a lecturer in HE you face a bigger challenge in conveying the relevance and significance of what you want them to learn."

Chris Barnatt
Reciprocity: learning from the international experience

Eric Masika
Student, School of Chemistry
International perspectives broaden a class debate

Martin Binks
Globalisation and a university education

Most viewed

Dr Rachel Scudamore

Learning from Internationalisation © Copyright The University of Nottingham
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