School of Physics & Astronomy

PhD Projects in Magnetic Resonance Imaging & Spectroscopy

For further information on the Magnetic Resonance Imaging & Spectroscopy Group please visit:



Dr Paul Glover and Professor Richard Bowtell
Development of radio-frequency probes for high field imaging and spectroscopy
Electromagnetic Modelling of the human body in response to low frequency magnetic fields

Professor Penny Gowland
Single trial fMRI

Professor Penny Gowland and Dr Susan Francis
Calibrating the BOLD fMRI signal in response to neuronal activation
Development and application of single trial fMRI analysis
Modelling the haemodynamic response function in response to neuronal activation

Professor Penny Gowland, Dr Susan Francis and Dr Paul Glover
Developing techniques to reduce motional blurring in high resolution human brain scans


Dr Josef Granwehr and Dr Walter Köckenberger
Dynamic Nuclear Polarisation - development of techniques applied to biochemistry and spectroscopy

Professor Peter Morris
Coupling of Magneto-encephalography (MEG) and fMRI to understand brain function
Spectroscopy of the brain and body - understanding metabolic pathways with C13 and H1

Professor Peter Morris, Dr Josef Granwehr and Dr Walter Köckenberger
Hyperpolarised gases (He, Xe and Kr) for medical imaging

School of Physics and Astronomy

The University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham NG7 2RD

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