School of Politics and International Relations

Visiting Research Student Scheme

The School of Politics and International Relations invites applications by PhD students to spend three, six, nine or 12 months at the University of Nottingham in order to work on their thesis under the supervision of an academic member of staff.

Visiting research students will join our PhD programme and are generally expected to give an oral presentation to the PhD colloquium as well as produce one written research paper during their stay.

The School of Politics and International Relations offers:

  • expert supervision by an academic member of staff in the area of the student's project
  • participation in our weekly PhD colloquium
  • participation in the school and research centres seminar programmes
  • individual workspace with a networked computer
  • generous allowance of free printing and photocopying
  • access to the university library
  • access to telephone

Preconditions for application

The applicant must:

  • be in their second year of doctoral studies, or beyond
  • demonstrate a sufficient level of English either through an IELTS test with an average score of 6.5 (minimum 6 in any element), or through the proof of having studied in English at another university before coming to Nottingham

One of the two references must be from the student's first supervisor, confirming that the applicant is registered as a PhD student at their home university.

Further details including the application process can be found on the international applicants website.

Tuition fees

Tuition fees will be charged pro rata depending on the time spent at the University of Nottingham.

Please contact us with any enquiries regarding this scheme.


School of Politics and International Relations

Law and Social Sciences building
University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

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