School of Psychology

onebillion: app-based maths learning trial

This programme teaches maths to Year 1 pupils using apps on tablet computers. Pupils will work through apps developed by the not-for-profit organisation onebillion.

The apps teach core topics in the national curriculum through a “virtual teacher” and pupils progress through topics on their own and at their own pace. The “virtual teacher” demonstrates how to complete exercises, then pupils are able to practice exercises themselves.

After pupils complete a particular mathematical topic, their knowledge is assessed through a quiz built into the apps.


Teaching assistants (TAs) monitor a group of ten pupils to complete the maths intervention while they work through tasks set by the app. The pupils selected to take part will be those considered by their teacher to be at risk of low attainment in maths. The TAs do not take a pedagogical role; they support pupils with logging in to and using the app, and ensure that the pupils remain focused on the task. Pupils work with the apps for 30 minutes each day, in addition to normal maths teaching.

The project team will train the TAs to deliver the programme through one full-day workshop. They will train the TAs to use the technology and will provide guidance on how the intervention should fit within the school day. The project team will develop an intervention manual and training video to support TAs with implementation.

For more information

The project is being evaluated by the University of Oxford. Further information about the apps used in the project are available at

Project Team contacts

Project Lead: Dr Nicola Pitchford


Dr Maria Neves
Onebillion Trial Programme Manager

Room A15
School of Psychology
University of Nottingham
University Park

Office phone: +44 (0) 115 84 67346

Recruitment to this trial is now closed

Funded by the Education Endowment Foundation delivered by the University of Nottingham.

School of Psychology

University Park
The University of Nottingham
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

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