School of Psychology

Participate in Online Research

Student working on computer


Welcome! Researchers at the School of Psychology have developed some online research activities which people can take part in from home! Children are invited to take part in some fun research games which explore a range of cognitive processes such as attention, perception, memory, maths, sensory motor development and more. Most of the online tasks have been made into fun games to make sure the whole experience is enjoyable!

Current studies at a glance -




How to get involved

If you would like to take part, please read the details of each study and click the URLs to start. For some studies, an inconvenience allowance (e-voucher) may be provided. Feel free to email the researcher if you have any issues or queries. 

Participate in online research for children

 None at this time.

Participate in research for adults

Study Title: COVID and Cognition

Ethics Approval Number: 882

Students:Heena Pala ( & Xinzhu Li (

Supervisor: Charlotte Bonardi (

Recommended Device/Software: Computer/laptop; internet browser (e.g. Chrome, Safari); *requires keyboard and audio speakers*

Study Description:  Research suggests Covid-19 can sometimes cause mild and transient cognitive deficits. Our study investigates the influence of number of infections and vaccinations on this effect. Participants will fill out a short questionnaire about their Covid-19 history, and then play a space-themed computer game. The whole task will take about 15 minutes. Instructions will be provided throughout. Participants will be eligible to take part in a Prize Draw for vouchers (Amazon)!

To participate in the study:


Study Title: Schizotypy in relation to auditory rhythm processing

Ethics Approval Number:  F1350


Maliha Campbell

Ruby Gray

Harriet Sleem

Freya Mounsdon

Simona Lucka

Eve Robinson 

Supervisor: Joseph Sollini,; Tobias Bast,

 Who can take part in this study: You need to be between 18 and 40 years old with normal hearing.

Recommended Device/Software:  Computer/laptop, headphones

Study Description:  

This online study investigates the relationship between schizotypal personality traits and auditory rhythm processing.  This will help to further our understanding of some of the cognitive impairments experienced by people with schizophrenia. Participants will complete a short-term rhythm memory task and the O-LIFE questionnaire to measure schizotypal personality traits. Both the rhythm task and the questionnaire will be completed online.

To complete the survey, please click the following link:


School of Psychology

University Park
The University of Nottingham
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

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