Biomaterials Discovery

Prof Kim Hardie wins the 2023 Microbiology Society outreach prize

Picture of Prof Kim Hardie

Prof Kim Hardie

Professor Kim Hardie has recently been awarded the 2023 Microbiology Society Outreach Prize for her project entitled ‘Spread the message, not the germs’, aimed at reducing the transmission of infectious diseases through the enhancement of children's hand hygiene practices.

Her initiative fosters engaging and enjoyable activities in schools, science festivals, exhibitions, and media platforms, and is testament to her dedication to making a lasting impact on the awareness of microbial transmission and the importance of preventive measures.

The Microbiology Society Outreach Prize is awarded annually by the Microbiology Society to an individual or group of microbiologists who have demonstrated an outstanding outreach initiative. Professor Hardie is scheduled to deliver a 30-minute presentation on her work during the Society's Committees Day (2 October 2023, London) to elucidate her pioneering strategies for engaging with children and fostering a culture of effective hand hygiene.

To read the full story, please visit the Microbiology Society news page.

Posted on Thursday 14th September 2023

Next Generation Biomaterials Discovery

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