
Our experts

Dr Kathryn Hinsliff-Smith
Associate Professor / Research Reader
Faculty of Health and Life Sciences
De Montfort University

Kathryn is an Associate Professor/Research Reader at De Montfort University, based in the School of Allied Health Sciences. Kathryn is a social scientist with a specialism around qualitative methodologies. She has been involved in evidence based healthcare for the past decade completing a Masters in Reseach Methods and her doctoral work on pre-registration nurses education and clinical experiences.

Kathryn is actively engaged in research that relates to social justice and health inequalities and  has conducted work around oler people, long term care home and acute settings, gender based violence. Kathryn completed a JBI systematic review programme and since 2015 is an accredited JBI trainer and reviewer. She supervises Masters and Doctoral level students , provides mentoring for Phd candidates and is a module convenor for a Masters in Pubic Health programme. She has published a number of systematic  reviews, presented widely at international/national conferences and is Associate Editor for Nurse Education in Practice (current impact score 1.314).

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