
Lead researchers

Professor Avril Drummond, Director of Research and Professor of Healthcare Research

Having qualified as an occupational therapist at Ulster University, Avril gained her MSc in Rehabilitation at the University of Southampton and her PhD at The University of Nottingham. 


Avril is a Fellow of the College of Occupational Therapists, Chair of the UK Stroke Forum, and a member of the RCP Intercollegiate Working Party for Stroke.

Avril is interested in all aspects of rehabilitation research, with a particular focus on stroke rehabilitation and randomised controlled trials. Her past research has included systematic reviews within occupational therapy, evaluating stroke units, group treatments for MS, and trials of falls prevention.


View Avril's full profile.


Dr Carol Coole, Senior Research Fellow & Research Occupational Therapist

Carol is a qualified occupational therapist and has worked in a variety of clinical areas, including spinal disorders, musculoskeletal conditions and pain.


Carol has an MSc in Human Factors in Manufacturing Engineering and a PhD in Rehabilitation and Ageing. Her current research focuses on vocational rehabilitation. She recently completed a study into the use of GP fit notes, funded by the Institution of Occupational Safety and Health. Carol is now working on an NIHR HTA study – Occupational advice for Patients undergoing Arthroplasty of the Lower Limb (OPAL).


View Carol's full profile.


Dr Gillian Campbell

Gillian is a qualified physiotherapist working clinically in musculoskeletal and specialising in pelvic health.


She gained a PhD in Biomechanics in 2011 from the school of Mechanical, Materials and Manufacturing Engineering, University of Nottingham. Gillian is currently a Daphne Jackson fellow looking at urinary incontinence in athletic and sporting women.


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Dr Joanne Ablewhite

Jo completed a PhD at the University of Nottingham in 2010 and has since worked as a research fellow on a variety of health related research studies at the University of Nottingham Medical School before joining the School of Health Sciences.


Dr Melanie Narayanasamy

Melanie has trained in sociology and has an interest in mental health. Her PhD focused on the decision-making practices of mental health professionals in multidisciplinary team meetings.


Melanie has worked for the Rehabilitation research group since 2016. She assisted on the NIHR HTA funded study- Occupational advice for Patients undergoing Arthroplasty of the Lower Limb (OPAL). She was also study coordinator for the IOSH funded study Mental Health First Aid in the Workplace (MENTOR) feasibility study.



Dr Paul Hendrick, Lecturer

A qualified physiotherapist, Paul worked in sports rehabilitation, musculoskeletal rehabilitation and chronic pain management before taking his Graduate Diploma in Manipulative Therapy, MSc and PhD at the University of Otago, New Zealand.


Paul now lectures on musculoskeletal rehabilitation, manual therapy, pain management and evidence-based practice here at The University of Nottingham. 


View Paul's full profile.


Dr Fiona Nouri

Fiona is a qualified occupational therapist. She has a background in stroke research and her PhD focused on the assessment of driving performance following stroke. 


Fiona has recently worked on a number of studies, including the use of the GP fit note, implementation and evaluation of the national Care Certificate, and evaluation of a Dementia Support Network. She will shortly be working on an NIHR HTA funded study – Occupational advice for Patients undergoing Arthroplasty of the Lower limb (OPAL).


View Fiona's full profile.


Dr Michelle Hall

Michelle joined The University of Nottingham as a lecturer in 2001, delivering and teaching modules on the BSc Physiotherapy course. She was also responsible for the delivery of the clinical component of the course and completed her MSc at The University of Nottingham in 2004.


Michelle delivers undergraduate teaching on the subjects of evidence-based practice, musculoskeletal disease and disorders, and physical activity and health, as well as supervising MSc students. Osteoarthritis is her principle interest in terms of research, though she has an appreciation for a wide range of musculoskeletal conditions.


View Michelle's full profile.  



Rehabilitation Research Group

The University of Nottingham
School of Health Sciences
Queen's Medical Centre
Nottingham, NG7 2HA

telephone: +44 (0)115 823 0843