Services for Students


Frequently Asked Questions

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As an applicant, how do I accept my offer in


Follow these steps to accept your offer in NottinghamHub:

1. Log into NottinghamHub

2. Click on the ‘My application’ tile

3. Click on your application

4. Select ‘Accept’

5. Click ‘Yes’


Follow these steps to download your offer letter:

1. ,Log into NottinghamHub

2. Click on the ‘Documents’ tile

3. At the top, click on the folder with the relevant course code on it

4. Click on the file entitled ‘offer letter’

5. Click on the download icon at the top of the screen

Please view the guidance video to find out how to add and edit your bank details.

If you are an applicant, you can change your password here.

Applicant guidance is as follows:

1. ,Log into NottinghamHub

2. Click on the ‘Profile’ tile

3. Select ‘Password reset’

4. Under ‘Current password’, enter your existing password

5. Under ‘New password’ and ‘Confirm password’, enter your new


6. Click ‘Change password’

Student guidance is as follows:

If you are a student, you use your university IT account username and password to log into NottinghamHub.

You can change your university IT account password here.


View the step-by-step video on how to update your personal details.

If the information you want to update is not shown, or you are unable to edit it, please contact Student Services.


To upload a document in NottinghamHub:

  • Log into NottinghamHub and you will be taken to the homepage.
  • On the right side, you will see a green button labelled Manage Documents. Click this button and it will take you to the Manage Documents page.
  • You will see multiple folders on the page.
  • Click on the folder that is relevant to the document you are uploading, for example an application document, or a document relating to a support request you have raised.
  • You will then need to choose the relevant Document Type and Document Label to the document that you are uploading.
  • Click on Upload Document, this will then display a pop up to allow you to choose a file.
  • Once you have chosen your file, click upload and it will then appear in your Manage Documents page.

You have 15 minutes to remove the document and replace it with an alternative version. If it has been longer

than this, please upload the correct document and then raise an IT self-service request to request for the

original document to be removed.

After uploading the document needed to complete a task, the document still needs to be processed and verified by a staff member. Once this happens, the notification will disappear.

Full-year timetables can be viewed here.

You will need to accept pop-ups in your browser to view your timetable.

You can visit our Timetable webages for more related information.



You may need to clear your cache, a collection of data that your web browser has collected and stored, which could be slowing down your loading time.

To clear your cache on Chrome:

  • Open Chrome.
  • Press CTRL + SHIFT + DEL.
  • In the Time Range drop down menu select the 'All time' option and ensure that 'Cookies and other site data' and 'Cached images and files' are selected.
  • Select the 'Clear data' button.

To clear your cache on Internet Explorer:

  • Open Internet Explorer.
  • Select 'Settings' (settings cog) in the top-right corner of the browser.
  • Select 'Internet Options'.
  • On the 'General' tab, select the 'Delete' button under 'Browsing History'.
  • Ensure 'Temporary internet files and 'Cookies and website data' are selected.
  • Click the 'Delete' button.

After completing the appropriate steps for your browser, try to log in again. If you are still experiencing problems, please raise an IT self-service request or phone the IT Service Desk.

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