If you are feeling worried about your studies or examinations, you may find it helpful to talk to your personal tutor or module teachers. Share your thoughts about the exam with other students. Talking to your friends and family can also be reassuring. Remember it is completely normal to feel a little anxious but it is important to be able to keep things in perspective.
All students are different and what seems like a positive challenge to one might seem more like unhelpful stress to others, so the important thing is to be aware of what works for you. If you do get anxious, try to identify strategies to help you relax.
Preparation can help reduce anxiety so try and plan ahead for how you will deal with exams, and access appropriate advice and support.
Draw up a revision time-table of the key topics you want to cover and the time you want to allocate to those topics mapped out across the time you have available until your exams begin.
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