School of Cultures, Languages and Area Studies

#UoNgoingplaces competition winners 2018

Trip back to good ol' Bilbo - Georgina O'Kane

"Trip back to good ol' Bilbo", (Bilbao, Spain)

Congratulations to Georgina O'Kane (Modern Languages with Translation), who is the winner of our 2017-2018 #UoNgoingplaces photo competition.  Her winning photo was "Trip back to good ol' Bilbo", (Bilbao, Spain). 

This year the shortlist – from a wonderful and rich field - was drawn up by our resident expert, Dr Mark Rawlinson, whose research focusses on photography and visual culture.  He, and his colleagues in History of Art, will soon be joining our school in August 2018 in the new Department of Cultural, Media and Visual Studies.

Here is the list of Winner, Runner-up, and Highly Commended photos:

Winner: Trip back to good ol' Bilbo, Bilbao, Spain: Georgina O'Kane 

Runner up: China ☑: Ryan Stanley 

Highly Commended:

Niagara Falls, Canada: Thomas Currie
Frankfurt, jeden Tag verliebe ich mich ein bisschen mehr: Greta Craxi
Cologne Cathedral looking big and scary : India-Jayne Trainor
There’s snow place like Vosges, Gérardmer: Danielle Hamilton
Catedral-basílica de Nuestra Señora del Pilar de Zaragoza: Georgina O'Kane
Traunkirchen : Niamh Perry 
Český Krumlov : Niamh Perry 
Oh Stuggi, Fernsehturm Stuttgart : Polly Grainger-Lewis
Lo único imposible es aquello que no intentas, Museo Guggenheim Bilbao: Georgina O'Kane 
Soaking up all the French culture Joan has to offer, Orléans, France: Edward Bulgarelli

Well done to you all!
Posted on Tuesday 31st July 2018

School of Cultures, Languages and Area Studies

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Nottingham, NG7 2RD

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