School of Education

'Hooking up: gay men, spaces and desire 1960-2018'

Djanogly Theatre, Nottingham Lakeside Arts, University Park
Wednesday 28th February 2018 (18:30-19:30)
Please register your attendance through Eventbrite


Presented by Dr Max Biddulph, Associate Professor School of Education, University of Nottingham with Jozs Bitelli, artist and Joel Tan, playwright. 

UK LGBT History Month 2018 has ‘Geography: Mapping the World’ as its theme. From the outset, the notion of ‘space’ has been central to the lives of gay and other men who have sex with men as a mechanism for making contact with each other. ‘Hooking up’ not only provides an opportunity for expressing sexuality and identity, but to gain love, affirmation and a sense of connection with a community. In this event we work with the genre of performance ethnography to use multi-media and the voices of men who experience ‘hooking up’ at three bench marks in time between 1960 and the present day.

In ‘the young ones’, Ian recounts surveillance and his brushes with the law when negotiating Nottingham’s gay party scene in the 1960s. In ‘The Office’, James explains the role of waiting as a point of contact prior to non-verbal negotiations undertaken in the 1980s cottaging scene and in ‘Grindr’, the temporality of contemporary online spaces are explored in terms of inclusions and exclusions.

Seen collectively, these three ‘performances’ comprise a patchwork text which aims to construct in the mind of the audience, a longitudinal sense of the way in which the role of ‘culture’ on the macro scale interacts with space on the micro scale, over the last sixty years. In the Q and A session following the three performances, audience members will be invited to consider the shifts in gay men’s approach to hooking up as well as the efficacy of performance ethnography as a mechanism for communicating the detail of life experience. 

This event is suitable for those aged 16+.

Find out about other events at the University of Nottingham for LGBT History Month 2018

School of Education

University of Nottingham
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Nottingham, NG8 1BB

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