Who is Rogers' person of tomorrow? And what do they need for their crash landing back down to earth?: Reimagining yesterday's Person of Tomorrow through a social justice lens.

Exchange Building, Jubilee Campus, Lecture Theatre B1
Wednesday 3rd May 2023 (18:00-19:30)

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This event was originally scheduled for 15 March, if you have already registered, you do not need to register again.

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A Centre for Research in Human Flourishing seminar

Presented by Emma Tickle, PCE-CfD course leader, University of Nottingham

Emma trained as a PCE therapist in 2008 at Diploma, then Masters level. Emma has taught on the University’s Counselling Programmes since 2013. A teacher for over 20 years Emma also provides Continuing Professional Development, PCE-therapy and clinical supervision. Emma is currently undertaking her PhD investigating PCE as a resource towards Social Justice while applying a Social Justice lens to decolonise the PCE approach. Emma contributes to the Centre for Research in Human Flourishing at the University of Nottingham


Warning: For this seminar you will need your own spacesuit for lift-off via Modernity’s Forward Arrow of Time as it hurtles towards infinite horizons and multiple worlds. Then we will need to prepare together for a crash landing back down to Earth to live amongst all the other Critters in the Critical Zone. (i.e. pack everything!)

Rogers’ speculation about the ‘World of Tomorrow and the Person of Tomorrow’ maps uncannily on to the fault lines of the so called ‘culture wars’ of today. Rogers’ prescient, fearful, and hopeful, response to the social and technological upheavals of the time is a testament to his vision of the person as a self-directing organism that strives not just to survive but to thrive in times of crisis. I imagine, from my own social location today, that Rogers’ ‘shaky’ speculations about the future, and who would flourish, is a felt sense of his feet leaving the ground via the ‘Great Acceleration’ of Modernity' as he orientates the Person of Tomorrow in the ‘direction of new worlds’. A social justice lens problematises the capacity to speak about a person from nowhere, firmly grounding us in the Critical Zone, and stirs up all kind of trouble for talking about Human Flourishing in the vertiginous inequalities and mass species extinction of the Capitalocene.

In this talk I hope to invite a co-created speculative fabulation about how to prepare Yesterday’s Tomorrow Person for a crash landing back down to earth. To do so we will need to orientate ourselves away from the Universal towards the Terrestrial and cultivate kin amongst all the other hopelessly dependent Critters in the narrow finitude of the Critical Zone. I will argue that the persons of today are already developing the necessary sensibilities to ‘stay with the trouble' through concepts such as: intersectionality, multispecies empathy, and an appreciation of place and the response-ability it evokes.

*Many of the ideas here are Inspired by Bruno Latour and Donna Haraway’s various speculative fabulations. I am also thinking with Levinas’ ethics first response-ability to the Other.

Emma has kindly given us permission to record the event, as well as livestreaming via Teams.

When registering for this event, please let us know whether you will be attending in person or online.

If you are attending online, the link will be emailed to you a couple of days before the event takes place.

When registering for this event, we will collect personal data from you. This information will not be passed outside of the University of Nottingham. Please read our privacy information for more detail about how we use data.

School of Education

University of Nottingham
Jubilee Campus
Wollaton Road
Nottingham, NG8 1BB

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