Journal publishing for early careers researchers

Jubilee Campus
Thursday 5th October 2023 (10:00-13:30)

Please register to attend this event

Registration closes at 9am on Friday 29 September 2023.

Venue details and joining links will be shared after this date.

Any queries, please contact a member of the Core Operations Team:


This event will take place in person and online. Pre-registration is required and the venue and a link to join online will be shared with registered delegates ahead of the session. 

This event is being hosted in partnership with the British Educational Leadership, Management and Administration Society (BELMAS). It will be led by, and include presentations from editors-in-chief of the two BELMAS journals:

  • Professor Tony Bush – Educational Management Administration and Leadership (University of Nottingham)
  • Dr Paul Armstrong – Management in Education (University of Manchester)

For those attending the session in person, refreshments and a buffet lunch will be provided. Please note that face-to-face places are limited so early registration is advised. If face-to-face places are filled, you will be notified and invited to attended the session online.


School of Education

University of Nottingham
Jubilee Campus
Wollaton Road
Nottingham, NG8 1BB

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