School of Geography

Staff Supervision Areas

Applicants with research interests in any of the school's research themes are invited to apply for a studentship.

The following topics/projects are provided as a guide only. Applicants are welcome to contact the named members of staff if they wish to discuss a particular topic.

Staff supervision areas
Staff memberResearch topics
Dr David Beckingham
  • Moral regulation: drinking and drunkenness (and temperance); historical child protection 
  • Historical urban governance
Professor Doreen Boyd
  • Earth observation for ecosystem services
Dr Stephanie Coen
  • Critical health geographies
  • Gender and health
  • Health behaviour
  • Physical activity
Dr Stephen Dugdale
  • Integrating high-resolution remote sensing and modelling approaches for better understanding river processes
  • Understanding the drivers and implications of river temperature patterns under a changing climate
Dr Richard Field
  • Are ethical pricing schemes a possible mechanism for preventing de-forestation?
Professor Giles Foody
  • Accuracy assessment in thematic mapping by remote sensing
  • Earth observation for ecosystem services
Dr Shaun French
  • Geographies and relationalities of international financial centres
  • Geographies of financial exclusion and payday lending
  • Geographies of the everyday financial subject
Professor Simon Gosling
  • Assessing global water scarcity under scenarios of future climate change
  • The impacts of future climate change on heat waves and human health
Professor Mike Heffernan
  • Histories of geography and cartography
  • Historical geographies of internationalism
Dr Jake Hodder
  • Histories of internationalism
  • Race, pan-Africanism and civil rights
  • Political geographies of diplomacy and the state
  • US historical and political geographies
  • Peace and pacifism
Professor Sarah Jewitt
  • Sanitation access and priorities
  • The influence of access to good/safe school-based sanitation on attendance
  • Community-based forest use and management (with particular reference to India)
  • Household energy and cooking fuel/technology preferences
Dr Matthew Johnson
  • The role of aquatic organisms in altering river processes and channel form
  • Monitoring and modelling the environmental condition in rivers, particularly in response to pollutants and/or climate change
  • Understanding the environmental information aquatic animals use to interpret and navigate river environments
Professor Matt Jones
  • High resolution stable isotope records of climate change from central Turkey
  • Data model comparisons in isotope hydrology
Professor Stephen Legg
  • Colonial urbanism, especially in South Asia
  • Anti-Colonial Nationalism and its geographical expressions
  • The geographies of sexuality, in contemporary and historical settings
  • The historical geographies of constitutionalism
  • Interwar internationalism and its spaces of expression and experience
  • Applications of governmentality theory and postcolonial studies to geographical case studies and approaches
Professor David Matless
  • Landscape and national identity
  • Cultural geographies of the Anthropocene
Professor Sarah Metcalfe
  • Modelling impacts of future climate change on UK air quality
  • Reconstructing hurricane frequency in the circum-Caribbean
Dr Carol Morris
  • Weather watching and weather recording in recent history by amateur meteorologists, enthusiasts and other publics
  • Geographies of sustainable diets
  • Geographies of rural environmental knowledges
Dr Nick Mount
  • The development and application of novel data-driven modelling frameworks for hydrological prediction
  • Spatio-temporal analyses of environmental change using spatio-temporal self-organising maps
  • Elucidating patterns in space and time using spatio-temporal self-organising maps
Dr Susanne Seymour
  • Histories and legacies of transatlantic slavery in rural Britain
  • Participatory and collaborative rural environmental governance strategies (particularly in UK)
  • Geographies of rural environmental knowledges
Professor Matthew Smallman-Raynor
  • Spatial epidemic history
  • The historical geography of infectious diseases in 20th century Britain
Professor Charles Watkins
  • Woodland history in Britain and Europe
  • Nature conservation and rural land management


School of Geography

Sir Clive Granger Building
University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

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