Manuscripts and Special Collections

War, Women & Survival: Sometimes it takes courage to survive

Poster for the War, Women and Survival exhibition

This exhibition appeared at the D H Lawrence Pavilion, part of Lakeside Arts Centre, from September - December 2005.

The exhibition was curated by Manuscripts and Special Collections, University of Nottingham in partnership with Midland East Region of Soroptimist International.

It draws on the collections held at The University of Nottingham and images, reminiscences and items generously provided by many individual women through Soroptimist International.

This online version consists of a series of pages based on the display boards, plus a selection of the exhibits.

We intend mounting online versions of all our exhibitions held at the Weston Gallery, and would welcome your feedback on the content and usability of the following pages.

Logo for Soroptimist International


Next: Keep the home fires burning



Manuscripts and Special Collections

Kings Meadow Campus
Lenton Lane
Nottingham, NG7 2NR

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