School of Physics & Astronomy


Spanning a range of exciting and topical areas in state-of-the-art nanoscale science, the Nottingham Nanoscience group focuses on understanding and controlling the structure and behaviour of condensed matter ranging from single-molecular to micron length scales.

Our Research Areas

soft condensed matter

Soft Condensed Matter


Scanning Probe Microscopy


Spintronics and Magnetism

Disordered crystal

Self Organisation

temp image

Charge Transfer

machine learning research

Machine Learning


Quick Links



Key People

Peter Beton
Professor of Physics
Molecular adsorption on surfaces

Brian Kiraly
Assistant Professor from Feb. 2022

Phillip Moriarty
Professor of Physics
Single atomic manipulation, machine learning

Ioan Notingher
Professor of Physics

James O'Shea
Associate Professor of Physics
Self-assembly and electronic structure of complex molecules

Alex Saywell
Professor of Physics

Mike Smith
Assistant Professor of Physics
Concentrated particle fluids

All Staff


General Enquiries

We're always keen to hear from students who are interested in joining the Nanoscience Group. If you have questions regarding specific projects or research topics then please contact the relevant staff member in the group.

The School's Postgraduate Reseach webpage also contains useful information on topics such as admissions, funding, and fellowships. We strongly encourage contacting supervisors before making a formal application, to discuss potential research projects and to ensure the best application possible. 

Admissions Tutor Professor Juan Garrahan
Administrator Mrs Wendy Brennan
Telephone +44 (0) 115 951 5163


School of Physics and Astronomy

The University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham NG7 2RD

For all enquiries please visit: