Asia Expertise Guide



  • Dr Arun Kumar

    My work explores the socio-economic history of modern India. I work on the history of Indian labour, modern education, and subaltern literary cultures.I work in the following areas: 1. History of Modern India 2. Colonialism and the British Empire 3. Labour Market and Labour Conditions 4. Education History 5. History of Capitalism and Inequality 6. Caste and Social History. I am willing to work in the field of labour, poverty and inequality, and education.
    0115 748 4098 or Press Office 0115 9515798
  • Julia Roknifard

    Specialized on Iranian and Middle Eastern Studies, matters surrounding Iran's nuclear program, Iran's domestic politics and foreign policy. Research interests lie with international security, including its non-traditional aspects, interweaving of religion and politics, evolution of Islamism, and counterterrorism.
  • Dr Christopher Pich

    Dr Christopher Pich's topic area focuses on political marketing, political branding and voter engagement.
    0115 846 6687
    American Politics Brexit Business and economy Communications Gender Geography International Relations Law Politics Sociology War and security World political brands political marketing communications elections uk international local voter engagement voter behaviour Polls referendum politics Parties Labour conservative
  • Dr Lara Bianchi

    Dr Bianchi's areas of expertise are Business and Human Rights; Workers' Rights in Global Value Chains; Stakeholder Engagement; Business Ethics.Dr Bianchi is an Associate Professor in Business and Society, who looks at the impacts and responsibilities of businesses on people and planet.
    +44 (0)115 846 6135
    Business and economy Gender Rights Lab War and security human rights Sustainable development goals business Workers’ Rights Global Value Chains stakeholder engagement Business Ethics
  • Professor Gary Rawnsley

    Media, communications, propaganda, public and cultural diplomacy, soft power. My research has focused mainly on China and Taiwan, but I have also conducted research on Vietnam and Korea.
  • Dr Shixin Zhang

    My research focuses on journalism studies, media and conflict, media globalization and media management. I have published three single-authored research monographs entitled Impact of Globalization on the Local Press in China (2014), Chinese War Correspondents: Covering Wars and Conflicts in the 21st Century (2016), and Media and Conflict in the Social Media Era in China (2020).
  • Dr Thamil Venthan Ananthavinayagan

    I am scholar from the Third World Approaches to International Law (TWAIL), my focus is the international law and human rights from a decolonial perspective. I have written on the United Nations human rights engagement with Sri Lanka which was published in 2019: I have been invited to talks via webinars during the pandemic but also before predominantly by Global South institutions in India, Nepal, Sri Lanka and elsewhere. I consider myself as expert in the area in its interdisciplinary approach.
    Cultures History International Relations Law Migration Security Sociology Governance human rights Identity and Rights colonialism nationalism Racism Third World elitism post-colonialism
  • Dr Yuh-Fen Pung

    Current research focus on using mitochondrial bioenergetics to address issues related to obesity, diabetes, hypertension and cardiovascular physiopathology. Besides, I am using mitochondrial function as the surrogate to assess toxicity of nanomaterials in eukaryotic cells and microbes.
    +(6)03 87253748
    Health and Medicine Security Obesity diabetes health bioscience life sciences
  • Dr Oana Burcu

    I am currently developing further my expertise in the determinants of migrants' vulnerabilities and forced labour, while maintaining my pre-existent interest and expertise in nationalism, diasporic communities, China's foreign policy and Asia-Pacific security.
  • Professor Andrew Mumford

    Conflict and terrorism in Asia.
    International Relations War and security warfare Terrorism politics International Relations War Iraq Northern Ireland Afghanistan conflicts modern slavery trafficking
  • Professor Katharine Adeney

    Government and politics of South Asia, especially relating to elections, centre-state/province relations, majoritarian nationalism and ethnic diversity; The China-Pakistan Economic Corridor.
    0115 951 4032
    Belt and Road Initiative History International Relations Politics War and security Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Governance
  • Dr Andreas Fulda

    Dr Fulda has specialized in democratization studies, citizen diplomacy, and EU-China relations. His applied social and political science research bridges theory and practice and aims to shape German and European China policy.
  • Dr Uditi Sen

    I am a historian of modern India who works on migration, gender, refugee memory and politics of nation-building. My book, Citizen Refugee, explores how refugees from Eastern Pakistan struggled to rebuild lives in India. I have also researched and published on Indian women's participation in nation-building, and the conflict between tribal and settler communities in the Andaman Islands.
    Environment Gender History War and security human rights Identity and Rights Sustainable development goals India South Asia refugee Bengal memory oral history Diaspora Feminism
  • Professor Michele Geraci

    15 years experience in China/Asia policy research, first as head of China at Global Policy Institute London, then head of China Economic Research af Nottingham Uni, Ningbo. Advised western Governments on China policy, trade policy, international relations, china-Eu, China-US relations, China-EU investment agreement.
    +86 139 6712 1554

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