Student Services

Annual reports

All External Examiners are required to submit an annual report, the submission of which will allow you to claim your annual fee (please remember to complete a Payment Details form annually upon submitting your annual report).

If you are an External Examiner on both Postgraduate and Undergraduate courses, please submit separate reports for Postgraduate and Undergraduate External Examining.

How to submit your annual report

Copies of previous examiners' reports are available on request from the Head of School.

Annual Report submissions are to be made online via MS Forms, a link to which you should have been sent. 

In addition to this, you will also need to complete a Payment Details form to satisfy HMRC regulations.  This should also be completed online via the MS Forms link you have been sent.

If you have not received either of these links, please contact the External Examiner team.

When to submit your annual report

You are expected to submit your annual report as soon as the final Exam Boards for your Programme have taken place, and no later than:

  • 18 July 2024 for Undergraduate courses
  • TBC November 2024 for Postgraduate courses

This ensures that the School has time to respond to any issues that arise.

How The University of Nottingham uses your annual report

Once submitted, your report will be automatically logged the Quality and Student Management Systems team and submitted to the Head of School.

At School level, your report will be received, read and responded to, as appropriate.

At an institutional level, the External Eaminer reports play a key role in the University's quality assurance and enhancement procedures. The outcomes of the annual external examiner reports are reported to the Quality and Standards Committee at various points in the year.

Data Protection & Confidentiality for External Examiners

External Examiner reports may become public documents under Freedom of Information requests and the University will assume that you give your consent to such disclosure as the University deems appropriate.

The University of Nottingham aims to comply fully with its obligations under the GDPR and the Data Protection Act and is committed to ensuring that the personal information of students and staff is processed in accordance with the legislation.  External Examiners are required to comply with the University’s Data Protection Policy and not do anything that would put the University in breach of this policy.

Personal Data relating to the External Examiner which is obtained by the University will be processed in accordance with the University’s Privacy Notice. The University’s website Privacy Notice contains more details relating to the University’s processing of Personal Data and the rights of individuals in relation to their personal data.  Please note that details of External Examiners including their name, position and institution are provided to students in programme and module information (which may be via the publication of examiners’ reports in the Learning Community Forum) External Examiners’ reports are generally made available to students by the University.

Materials or confidential information belonging to the University or relating to our business which is obtained in the performance of external examiner duties must not be divulged to a third party. Materials should not be kept longer than is necessary to perform the duties of an External Examiner and should either be returned to the University or confidentially disposed of at the end of the term of appointment. The University retains copyright to all materials sent to External Examiners.






Student Services

Portland Building, University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

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