PhD (The University of Nottingham)
Associate Professor in Marketing
Department: Marketing, Tourism and AnalyticsCentre/Institute: N/LABE-mail: +44 (0) 115 8466675
Location: B36 (North Building, Jubilee Campus)
Hello! I'm an Associate Professor based in N/LAB. My recent work focuses on the use of aggregated consumer behavioural data to address social issues, such as: food and nutritional security, food waste, loneliness, deprivation, and vulnerable migration. In short, I'm interested in questioning why we give so much of our private data to companies and expect that they do nothing prosocial with it in return.
My research interests are broad and I've published on topics within consumer behaviour, network analysis, and economic anthropology. I like experimenting with mixed methods and am particularly interested in observational methods that examine digital footprints i.e. information that exists on the Internet as a result of our online activity.
I'm also currently the research director for the Marketing Department and really enjoy collaborating on research. If you're interested in partnering on a project or are a PhD student looking for a supervisor, please do get in touch!
John is module convenor of the following module(s):
Digital Marketing (BUSI4484)
Leading Big Data Business Projects (BUSI4372)
Details of all modules can be found on