Nottingham University Business School
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Christopher Wood

BSc (Hons), Mathematics & Psychology (St And, 1987); PgDip, Strategy & Innovation (Oxon, 2011); FCA (Institute of Chartered Accountants in England & Wales,1990); MCIM (Chartered Institute of Marketing, 2001)


Current Status: Writing up
Year of Registration: 2012
Expected Completion Date: /09/2018

Primary Funding Source:

Research Topic:
Small Firms, Big Clients: An Evaluation of Market Structure

Research Details:
This research considers the shaping and emergence of markets with reference to SMEs looking to attract and retain large clients. The research will consider markets as practices, the application and use of associated "market-ing practices", the performance and performativity of markets, and the application of a service-dominant logic.

Research Supervisor/s: Heidi Winklhofer and Linda Peters

Department: Marketing

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