The 10th "China and Me" Mandarin Speech Contest

18 Si Yuan Centre
Wednesday 14th November 2018 (15:30-18:00)
Please direct all enquiries to
Registration URL

Candidates and spectators are cordially invited to take part in the 10th "China and Me" Mandarin Speech Contest

CANDIDATES - please select "Candidate Ticket" - you will receive an email from NCI with further instructions and details on support available

Eligibility: You work or study at the University of Nottingham (Nottingham Confucius Institute students included) and you speak Mandarin as a foreign language.

Categories: You may enter one of two panels- Advanced or Intermediate. Please state clearly which panel you would like to enter at the time of initial registration.

Format: You may enter both part 1 and 2 of the contest, or part 1 only.  

Part 1: A 3-minute speech on a topic of your own choosing, including a brief self-introduction in Mandarin
Part 2: A 3-minute talent show. Contestants can choose to perform anything from Chinese songs, music, dance, folk arts, acrobatics, calligraphy, paper cutting to Kung Fu etc. Part 2 is optional, but contestants will receive extra bonus points if they choose to enter.

Judging criteria: Speeches are judged on content, vocabulary, intonation, pronunciation; performances are judged on overall performance, audience response, stage appearance, originality and projected personality.  

Cash prizes:  Three cash prizes for each panel:

v    First prize- £100
v    Second Prize- £50
v    Third prize- £30         

Please note: The earlier you register, the earlier we can assign you a tutor, who will support you throughout your preparation. Winners of this contest will be recommended to represent Nottingham at next year's International Chinese Bridge Speech Competition in London, from where top performers will then go on to represent British universities and compete in the final Chinese Bridge competition in Beijing in summer 2019. Participation will be judged as favourable by the Confucius Institute for future scholarship applications.

SPECTATORS: please select "Spectator ticket"

As a spectator, you will have the opportunity to watch, cheer and vote for your favourite contestants.  

Refreshments will be provided.

Nottingham Confucius Institute

Room A23, CI Library
Si Yuan Building
Jubilee Campus
Nottingham, NG8 1BB

telephone: +44 (0)115 748 4502
fax: +44 (0)115 846 6324