The Nottingham Confucius Institute

7th Si Yuan Cup Table Tennis Tournament

David Ross Sports Village, University Park (West Entrance)
Saturday 16th February 2019 (09:00-16:00)
Registration URL

“思源杯”乒乓球比赛自2013年以来,在诺丁汉孔子学院的组织下已经连续成功举办了六届。随着比赛的成功举办,其影响力和规模也在不断扩大。为了进一步促进中英两国文化的交流融合,秉承“乒乓聚友谊,运动赢快乐”的理念,将于2019年2月16日举办第七届贺新年“思源杯” 乒乓球锦标赛。此届比赛由诺丁汉孔子学院、RallyBridge Sport汇桥体育文化有限公司和思源乒乓球俱乐部主办,并联合英国乒协、诺丁汉市政厅、卡尔特中学、诺丁汉中国学联、诺丁汉特伦特大学学联、诺丁汉莘科莫乒乓俱乐部以及诺丁汉中文学校共同举办全英范围内的乒乓盛典,进一步为促进中英交流和社区融合搭建良好的交流平台。

Si Yuan Ping-Pong Club (SYPC) was established by Nottingham Confucius Institute (NCI) in 2013 with the aim of promoting friendship and understanding between the UK and China through table tennis, China’s national sport. The 6th ‘Si Yuan Cup’ Table Tennis Tournament has been successfully held last year during the spring festival. To celebrate the 2019 Chinese New Year, NCI, RallyBridge Sport and SYPC will hold its 7th ‘Si Yuan Cup’ Table Tennis Tournament on Saturday 16th Feb 2019. All table tennis players, be they old or young, Chinese or non-Chinese nationals, beginner or advanced, are welcome to enter the tournament. To promote Table Tennis to the wider community, the 7th Si Yuan Cup table tennis tournament will also provide free taster sessions to interested parties.

一、主办单位 Organisers

诺丁汉孔子学院 Nottingham Confucius Institute

汇桥体育文化有限公司 RallyBridge Sport

思源乒乓球俱乐部 Si Yuan Ping-Pong Club

二、合作单位 Supporting partners

英格兰乒乓球协会 Table Tennis England

诺丁汉市政厅 Nottingham City Council

卡尔特中学 Carlton le Willows Academy

莘科莫乒乓俱乐部 Sycamore Table Tennis Club

诺丁汉中国学联 Nottingham CSSA

诺丁汉特伦特学联 CSSA NTU

诺丁汉中文学校 Nottingham Chinese School

三、赞助单位 Sponsors

海诺旅游 Hino Travel

银河体育 YINHE

四、比赛细则 Tournament terms and conditions

1. 比赛分组


Men/ Women Singles - Open Championship (suitable for advanced players)


The Open Championship is divided into men’s and women’s singles categories. The matches are divided into group and elimination stages. All matches will be played as best 2 of 3 games to 11 points, whilst finals will be played best 3 of 5 games to 11 points. In the group stage, participants are allocated in a random manner (4-5 participates in a group), participants play against every other player in the same group. The winner and first runner up in the group will proceed to the elimination stage.


Social Tournament (suitable for less advanced players - parents and children are encouraged to join)

娱乐组采用“二人团体赛”:不分男女老少,以两人为一组随意组队。比赛采取三盘两胜制,每盘3局2胜,顺序为双打 - 单打 - 单打(附:双打负方在单打可优先挑选对手),比赛分为两个阶段,从小组赛再到淘汰赛。每4至5个团队为一个小组,小组内循环,小组前两名团队进入第二阶段淘汰赛,并奖励前三名。参赛者自行组队报名。比赛组委会将为没有团队的个人参赛者随机组队。

Group entry is only available in this category. All participants are welcome regardless of gender or age. Participants are encouraged to register as a group of two. Single participants are also welcome: they will be matched with another single participant in this category. All matches go through the group and elimination stages as described in the section above. The match sequence in each stage will be: doubles-> singles-> singles. The winner of the doubles has the privilege of picking the opponent in the first singles match, and each match will be played as best 2 of 3 games.

2. 其它比赛细则说明 Additional Notes


Photographs and videos will be taken by NCI photographers and presses involved on the day throughout the tournament for NCI and club promotional purposes. If you do not wish to be photographed or filmed, you must make yourself known to the photographers or staff.

比赛用球: 银河铂力 40+ 塑料三星球

Yinhe three-star plastic balls will be provided

详细比赛赛程表将在比赛4天前在汇侨Rally Bridge官方网站 中发布。

The result of the draw will be released four days before the tournament at

五、比赛和活动报名 Tournament and workshop registration

1. 报名方式 How to register



First Step - Visit or scan QR code to check the news on the competition;

Second Step – Follow the link to an Eventbrite webpage to register for the tournament and. Please click on “Tickets”, select the relevant tickets (Woman Single, Man Single or Social Open) and you will be directed to the entry fee payment page.

2. 比赛报名费用(其中包含报名网站手续费用)Tournament entry fee (exclude website admin fee)

公 开 组 Open singles: £10/per person

娱 乐 组 Social Entertainment: £6/per person

乒乓球体验教学 Table Tennis Taster: 免费 free

注 Notes:

a. 参与任何活动均需网上报名,凭票入场。

Participating any of the above events require online registration. Please keep and bring your receipts on the day.

b. 不能同时参与报名公开组和娱乐组,请根据自身乒乓球水平参选组别。

Participants can only select one of the groups from 'Open Singles' and 'Social Entertainment' based on their own skills.

c. 报名截止日期:2019年2月2日 12:00 noon

Registration after 2nd Feb 2019 will not be considered

六、比赛奖励 Prize

(A) 公开组男/女子组 Si Yuan Open Men's/Women’s Singles

男/女子第一名 Men’s/Women’s Single Champion: £150现金及银河装备£150 cash + Yinhe Equipment

男/女子第二名 Men’s/Women’s Single 1st runner up: £100现金及银河装备 £100 cash + Yinhe Equipment

男/女子第三名 Men’s/Women’s Single 2nd runner up: £50现金及银河装备£50 cash + Yinhe Equipment

(B)娱乐组 Social Tournament

团体第一名 Group Champion: 双人英国境内四日游及银河装备 UK local four-day travel (two persons) + Yinhe Equipment

团体第二名 1st runner up: 双人英国境内两日游及银河装备 UK local two-day travel (two persons) + Yinhe Equipment

团体第三名2nd runner up: 双人英国境内一日游及银河装备 UK local one-day travel (two persons) + Yinhe Equipment

七、免责声明 Disclaimer

凡报名参赛人员,需要自行购买意外保险;如果参赛则意味所有风险为其个人承担,如果出现意外,第七届贺新春“思源杯” 乒乓球锦标赛组委会不承担任何风险与责任。以上内容解释权归诺丁汉孔子学院、汇桥体育文化有限公司和思源乒乓球俱乐部所有。

We strongly advise all participants to purchase sports insurance as we cannot be held responsible for any accident that might happen during the tournament. Nottingham Confucius Institute, RallyBridge Sport and Si Yuan Ping-Pong Club reserve the right of final decision on the interpretation of the above Terms and Conditions.

八、联系我们 Contact us

姓名 Name:Simon


Nottingham Confucius Institute

Room A23, CI Library
Si Yuan Building
Jubilee Campus
Nottingham, NG8 1BB

telephone: +44 (0)115 748 4502
fax: +44 (0)115 846 6324