The Nottingham Confucius Institute

Public Talk: Understanding Who We Are: A Daoist Perspective

Thursday 20th May 2021 (18:00)
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"To know thyself is the beginning of wisdom": a quote, often attributed to Socrates, that is hard to dismiss. If we look to Laozi, a philosopher from a century before and a completely different culture, we can find much that mirrors the sentiment and ways to achieve this state well-being.

Laozi, founder of Daoism, is respected by people in all circles in China. His philosophy, after more than 2,000 years, is still a part of the daily lives of Chinese people, heavily influencing their ways of thinking and dealing with life's difficulties.

In this public talk, the speaker will look at our origins through Laozi’s eyes, the relationship between our dual nature and our ‘‘conscience’’, and the option to follow natural laws to understand who we are. For Laozi, we are free to choose, but in the end, emulating Dao (the truth and laws that govern the order of things) is key to self-understanding and fulfilment.

Short bio of the speaker:

Manuel Parreno lived with his family in various countries as a student. He graduated at Brigham Young University-Hawaii with a minor in Chinese language and a BA in Political Science. He graduated with a three-year master’s degree in Chinese philosophy from Xiangtan University (2011-2014). Prior to moving to the UK Manuel worked as an intern in Brussels doing research and public relations at the EU Office of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints and as an assistant in the management office of First Law International. In 2016 Manuel moved to the UK where he now lives with his family. He is founder of Embrace China Ltd., a company offering placements for teaching English in Hunan, China. Along with his love of China and for teaching, Manuel is also a speaker on Chinese philosophy, with publications in the Journal of Daoist Studies, Sinología Hispánica and China Studies Review. 

Nottingham Confucius Institute

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Si Yuan Building
Jubilee Campus
Nottingham, NG8 1BB

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