The Nottingham Confucius Institute

NCI holds pre-departure briefing for China summer interns



On 10th June, NCI held a pre-departure briefing for ten University of Nottingham students who will be embarking on four-week work placements at companies based in various Chinese cities including Zhuhai, Chengdu and Qingdao.

The China Internship Programme is funded by Nottingham Confucius Institute (NCI) with the aim of enhancing the UoN student experience and increasing understanding of contemporary China. The pilot programme was launched in summer 2018 with seven students from five UoN schools successfully completing their placements.

With strong support from the Faculty of Social Sciences and word of mouth from last year’s interns, over 100 students applied to our 2019 programme. After careful consideration, ten UoN students from across six schools passed the selection process which included interviews with host companies. The placements will begin at various times between mid-June and mid-September. Students will also have the opportunity to live with host families and experience everyday life in China: the perfect way to learn about the country’s culture and values!

We wish them all good luck and can’t wait to hear about their adventures when they get back!


Posted on Sunday 16th June 2019

Nottingham Confucius Institute

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Jubilee Campus
Nottingham, NG8 1BB

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