The Nottingham Confucius Institute

NCI runs cultural workshops at Rushcliffe School



On October 15th, 120 year 7 pupils from Rushcliffe School took part in interactive calligraphy and paper cutting workshops delivered by four NCI teachers. They were given an insight into Chinese Zodiac culture before learning how to write some Chinese; from basic strokes to whole characters.

The students particularly enjoyed engaging with the panda theme in the traditional paper-cutting workshop, where they were given the chance to draw and cut out patterns of their choice. Alongside the practical elements of the session, the NCI teachers explained about the Four Treasures of the Study (brush, ink stick, paper and ink stone). Following the workshop, there was genuine excitement about learning more Mandarin in the future.

After the event, a representative of Rushcliffe School thanked NCI for developing their pupils knowledge of Chinese culture, and expressed their desire to establish long-term cooperation in the future.



文/马路遥       图/诺丁汉大学孔子学院

     当地时间10月15日,诺丁汉大学孔子学院的四名汉语教师应邀赴拉什克里夫中学(Rushcliffe School)开展中国书法和剪纸工作坊活动,此次工作坊为拉什克里夫中学(Rushcliffe School)为七年级学生组织的“美好一天”(Bright Day)活动的一部分。通过本次活动,学生们体验了中国书法和剪纸的魅力,得到该中学老师的积极评价。




Posted on Monday 22nd October 2018

Nottingham Confucius Institute

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Jubilee Campus
Nottingham, NG8 1BB

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