The Nottingham Confucius Institute

Great fun at our April 2019 End of Course Showcase Party

end of course showcase april 2019


Over thirty evening class and private one-to-one students and staff attended NCI’s End of Course Showcase Party on Thursday 4th April to celebrate the successful completion of 2019’s Spring Term Mandarin programme.

After meeting to share a delicious Chinese buffet, students from beginner to advanced levels delivered a host of enjoyable performances, each given with the aim of showcasing Mandarin skill and general knowledge of China. The acts won warm rounds of applause as performers engaged with each other in a spirit of fun and learning . A number of well-known Chinese poems were read including “Saying Goodbye to Cambridge” by Xu Zhimo, “The Charm of a Maiden Singer the Red Cliff” by Su Shi. Suzie Goodall from HSK Level 3A class won the best performance prize with a touching bible reading on “What is love?”, delivered entirely in Mandarin.

Following the presentation of end of course certificates and group photos, participants formed four teams and engaged in fun language games. The most popular games proved to be “Draw and Guess”, “Chopsticks”, “Tongue Twister” and “Fruit Squat”, with rounds of laughs ringing throughout the session. The winning team was rewarded the opportunity to do the egg hunt first, lovingly prepared by NCI colleagues.

After the games, many students stayed for drinks and refreshments whilst socialising with their peers and NCI teachers.

The end of course showcase party was a great opportunity for students to parade their achievements, get to know our diverse group of staff and students, socialise and share their love of Chinese language and culture. Feedback from students on our courses has been overwhelmingly positive and we are delighted to have ended the term in style.

Posted on Friday 26th April 2019

Nottingham Confucius Institute

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Jubilee Campus
Nottingham, NG8 1BB

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