For information about relationships and sexual health, including safer sex and where to access free condoms, STI testing, contraception and pregnancy.
Sexual Consent
For information about sexual consent, including what it is, myths and stereotypes, and where to get support, go to Let's Be clear on Consent.
Safer Sex
Condoms offer protection from sexually transmitted infections as well as preventing unintended pregnancy. If you are a student at the University of Nottingham, live in Nottingham City or County you can sign up for the UoN condom scheme.
Register online here
Once you have received your card via post you can then use it at SU advice, C Floor, Porland Building, University Park collect further free condoms.
If you are not able to collect condoms in person, you can receive them via post by completing this form.
Its worth keeping a note of your condom card number. Please be aware if you may have to wait up to 2 weeks if you are waiting for condoms to arrive in the post.
The NHS provides information about different types of contraception, including where to get them and how well they work at preventing pregnancy.
Find out more
Emergency contraception can prevent pregnancy after unprotected sex or if your contraceptive method has failed, for instance if a condom has split or you've missed a pill.
Chlamydia and Gonorrhoea
Chlamydia affects around 1 in 10 sexually active young people and is the most common STI in the UK. Gonorrhoea is the 2nd most common STI after chlamydia. The good news is testing and treatment is simple and free.
Find out more about chlamydia
Find out more about gonorrhoea
Chlamydia and gonorrhoea screening is available via postal kits.
If you have a Nottingham City postcode, then you can access free online STI testing, repeat contraception and emergency contraception online at SH:24.
If you live in Nottinghamshire, you can order a test kit at: SH.UK.
Sexual orientation
If you want to talk, seek support or just want some information, your Students' Union LGBT+ Network can help. Its free to join and a confidential service is available.
Rape and Sexual assault
Use Report and Support anonymously to tell us what happened or ask to speak an advisor.
This is not making a formal report to the university, it is to enable you to access the support you need to make an informed decision on what to do next.
Report and Support
Information about sexual consent