Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) are vital for our student and staff community (including all apprentices studying with us). We support a wide variety of activities, from short-term working groups focused on specific issues to wider initiatives to help develop training for all staff. The Pro-Vice-Chancellor for People and Culture, Professor Katherine Linehan, is responsible for helping shape our EDI and People strategy, and ensure that best practice is shared with everyone.   

News and Events 


Celebrate LGBTQIA+ History Month 2024
LGBTQIA+ History Month has been celebrated throughout February at the university every year since 2005. For 2024, we have an exciting and diverse...


Funding call open for International Women’s Day 2024 events
As part of the university’s ongoing commitment to equality, diversity and inclusion, we are inviting applications to...




Meet UoN's EDI Champions
Meet our EDI Champions – staff and students who not only incorporate EDI values into all they do at the university, but also help to encourage and educate...

Project period - THUMBNAIL

Project Period initiative expanded
A newly-expanded university initiative, Project Period, aims to address the issue of period poverty and promote open and inclusive conversations around...


Equality Diversity and Inclusion resources

Two women studying a document and smiling
Let's be clear about EDI - Our campaign to inform, educate, and guide people through the core values behind equality, diversity and inclusion and show how the university embeds it in all we do.
Students smiling and chatting
EDI resource bank - Developed as part of the STEMM-Change project to be a new, open-access database which brings together materials to support EDI work in a range of HE settings.

 EDI Charters banner


Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

Trent Building
University Park Campus