Schools Partnership Gateway

Languages Education Research Group

A series of meetings are being organised which are open to all colleagues in partnership schools who are interested in sharing ideas and discussing the current state of affairs of modern languages teaching and learning in the UK. Sessions will be informed by research findings from local, national and wider contexts. 

Each meeting will address the following themes with a stronger emphasis on one each time: 

  • Using authentic materials (will have a strong focus in all three meetings) 
  • New approaches involved in the new GCSE (focus for November) 
  • Suggestions for ways in which participants can trial ideas and materials (November)
  • Using ICT in language teaching (main focus in March) 
  • Research plenary when people can share experiences and findings over the year (June) 

The meetings will start with tea, coffee and biscuits at 4pm, followed by a stimulating meeting of inputs to review current developments, discussions and the sharing of good practice, ending at 6.30pm. 

All meetings are offered as a benefit of the partnership and are free of charge. Participants will be offered a chance to join a Dropbox facility which will feature resources from the meetings for use in their departments.

Next meeting

Bridging the Gap: an international perspective on transition in Modern Languages from the primary to secondary phase

10 March 2025 (16:30-18:00)
Microsoft Teams online event
A Languages Education Research Group event



For more information or to join the group, please contact us.



School of Education

University of Nottingham
Jubilee Campus
Wollaton Road
Nottingham, NG8 1BB

+44 (0)115 951 4543