School of English


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Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) in the School of English

The school endeavours to create an environment that allows staff and students to thrive and excel in their education and career alike. We support equality, diversity and inclusivity in the school and are working hard to ensure a better representation of staff and students across all of our activities.

EDI Committee 

The school has a dedicated EDI Committee that was founded to address and attempt to solve any issues with EDI that might arise. The committee is formed from a diverse group of staff and students, and is chaired by Dr Vicky Sparrow.

EDI Committee Chair: Vicky Sparrow

Decolonising the Curriculum

Staff in the School are continually engaged in work to embed diversity in the curriculum. This is key to our aim of creating an inclusive environment for all students, and also responds to the call in Higher Education more broadly to decolonise the teaching of English. 

Read more about this work

Contact us

We would love to hear from you regarding any suggestions you have for improving behaviours or circumstances relating to equality and diversity within our school. 

Staff and students can email Dr Vicky Sparrow confidentially using the link below.

Email Dr Vicky Sparrow


School of English

Trent Building
The University of Nottingham
University Park, Nottingham NG7 2RD

telephone: +44 (0) 115 951 5900