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Australian Nursing Federation position statement on climate change

A two page document detailing the Australian Nursing Federation's views on how society should repsond the to issues raised by climate change.

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Subject Climate change and sustainability   
Tags australia   Australian   position   view point   policy   
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Child Poverty, Unintentional Injuries and Food Borne Illness: Are low-Income Children at Greater Risk?


The purpose of this report is to show that existing data and research, however incomplete, strongly suggest that low-income children are at greater risk than other children from unintentional injuries and food borne illness.

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Subject Child health   Unintentional injuries   
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Code of Practice for the International Recruitment of Healthcare Professionals in Scotland

The aim of the Code of Practice is to promote high standards of practice in the international recruitment and employment of healthcare professionals. This is underpinned by the principle that any international recruitment of healthcare professionals should not prejudice the healthcare systems of developing countries. Therefore a key component of the Code of Practice is to preclude the active recruitment of healthcare professionals from developing countries, unless a government-to-government agreement exists to support recruitment activities. The Scottish Executive Health Department can advise on any appropriate government-to-government agreements.

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Subject Migration of health professionals   
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Commentary: Include a Social Determinants of Health Approach to Reduce Health Inequities

A commentary encouraging people to be proactive, collaborative, inclusive and deliberate hen advancing the use of the social determinants approach to reducing health inequities. 

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Subject Determinants of health   
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Commentary: Migration and health—what about those who stay at home?

The paper by Burazeri et al. is useful for two reasons. First, it draws attention to a largely neglected aspect of migration—health of those who stay at home. And second, it contributes to the enduring debate about the contribution of material and non-material (psychosocial) factors to health. We will discuss these two issues in turn.

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Author Martin Bobak and Arjan Gjonca
Type Document
Subject Population migration and health   
Tags Commentary   

Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the International Epidemiological Association

(c) The Author 2007; all rights reserved.

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Commonwealth of Learning: Communicable Diseases (AMREF)

Communicable Diseases (AMREF)  

The course units can be downloaded in MSWindows (DOC) and Open Office Document (ODT) formats.

In this unit you will cover the general concepts of communicable diseases and epidemiology. The broad objective of this unit is to enable you to describe the principles of communicable disease control and prevention.

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Subject Communicable diseases   
Tags online learning   resource   

© 2007 African Medical Research Foundation (AMREF)


This course   is distributed under the Creative Common Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 license.   Any part of this unit including the illustrations may be copied, reproduced or adapted to meet the needs of local health workers, for teaching purposes, provided proper citation is accorded AMREF. If you alter, transform, or build upon thiswork, you may distribute the resulting work only under the same, similar or a compatible license.   AMREF would be grateful to learn how you are using this course and welcomes constructive comments and suggestions.   Please address any correspondence to:




The African Medical and Research Foundation (AMREF)

Directorate of Learning Systems

PO Box 27691 - 00506, Nairobi, Kenya

Tel: +254 (20) 6993000

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Cultural Competency in Baccalaureate Nursing Education

This document provides a framework to facilitate the attainment of cultural competence by baccalaureate nursing graduates. Cultural competence is defined for our purposes as the attitudes, knowledge, and skills necessary for providing quality care to diverse populations (California Endowment, 2003). Content and learning strategies for these competencies, as well as a tool kit and resource material for educators are included.

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Subject Cultural competence   Global health course design   
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Determinants of Health and Wellbeing

Paper exploring the determinanats of health for thr poulation of Wales (UK)

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Subject Determinants of health   
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Enabling Effective Nurse Communications

Avaya Healthcare Solutions empower hospitals to take full advantage of their integrated voice and data networks to help make nurses and clinicians more productive and workflows more efficient. Avaya Healthcare Solutions consist of four categories: Healthcare Mobility, Healthcare Workflow, Healthcare Notification and Patient Contact. 

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Author Philip Authier
Type Document
Subject Technology   
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Booklet produced by the EEA (European Environmental Agency) about urban green spaces and their benefits.

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Author EEA (European Environment Agency)
Type Document
Subject Climate change and sustainability   
Tags EEA   Europe   Forest   urban forest   green space   
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Global Health Action: Global Health Watch Campaign Agenda

This alternative world health report is an evidence-based assessment of the political economy of health and health care – and is aimed at challenging the major institutions that influence health.

Global Health Action is a campaign tool based on the first Global Health Watch, published in July 2005. The Watch is a broad collaboration of public health experts, non-governmental organizations, civil society activists, community groups, health workers and academics. It was initiated by the People’s Health Movement, Global Equity Gauge Alliance and Medact.

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Subject Millennium Development Goals   
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Global Health: Nurses Taking a Leadership Role in the Global Community

This academic paper explores the role of the nurse as a leader in the international healthcare community. Faced with the effects of globalization on geopolitical, economic, and cultural relations between societies, nurses are becoming front-line providers in countries where access to healthcare services are limited. This paper explores the concept of a global village, where societies are entering into closer relationships with one another on a worldwide scale, and the role that nursing professionals can take as educators, mentors, and innovators, in order to lead other emerging professionals in the provision of healthcare services. In countries where infectious, communicable diseases are largely preventable through vaccination, and simple interventions to improve sanitation and safe drinking water, nurses have a unique opportunity fulfill their social responsibility as health promoters by collaborating with political and healthcare leaders to created sustainable solutions to indentified needs. In addition to working as health promoters, this paper outlines the key competencies that are necessary to provide holistic nursing care and development of a global mindset in providing healthcare to at-risk populations and becoming an advocate for those in need of a voice.

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Subject Leadership   
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Global standards for the initial education of professional nurses and midwives

This document,produced by the WHO, outlines goals for global standards in nursing and midwifery, and reviews how the standards of initial nursing and midwifery education should be set to comply with these global standards.

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Subject Cultural competence   Global citizenship   Global health course design   Global health teaching   Education   
Tags WHO   
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Guide to Authoring a Global Health eLearning Course

This document gives guidance on how to successfully create a Global Health eLearning course.

The Global Health eLearning Center created this document, they offer a menu of courses that learners can use to expand their knowledge in key public health areas and to access important up-to-date technical information that USAID public health professionals should know. The primary audiences for the Learning Center are PHN officers and FSNs at USAID missions around the world. However, staff at USAID/Washington, its Cooperating Agencies (CAs), and other partners may also benefit from the Learning Center. 

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Subject Global health course design   
Tags eLearning   
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Health & Population Module 2 • i2P • Expedition India

Key point covered in this pdf resource:

The world population has risen dramatically over the past century

• The rapid growth in population is stressing health care resources the world over.

• Population is growing fastest and health care tends to be even less available in developing nations.

•There are more older people, who typically have a greater need for health care.

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Subject Population growth   
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Health and the International Economy

A WHO document published in Agust 2002

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Subject Global economy and health   
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Health Consequences of Poverty for Children

This document summarises the physical, emotional and psychological health consequences of poverty for children. Maternal and child health are intimately linked and, consistent with the inter-generational approach, advocated by the Acheson Report. I start with a brief review of the effects of poverty and low socio-economic status on maternal health - particularly as it affects readiness for pregnancy and foetal well-being. Birth weight has major consequences for survival in early infancy, health throughout childhood and into adult life and the impact of poverty on this is considered next. Death, disability and illness in infancy and childhood. closely linked to birth weight and poverty, are discussed before examining the consequences of poverty for the emotional and psychological health and well being of children. Poverty and material deprivation in rich nations appear to have a negative effect on parenting, leading among other things to child poverty, parenting and child protection are reviewed. Finally, the links between poverty, educational attainment and children's health are discussed.

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Author Professor Nick Spencer
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Subject Child health   Poverty and inequality   
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Health inequalities and population health

This briefing summarises NICE's recommendations for local authorities and partner organisations on population health and health inequalities. It is particularly relevant to health and wellbeing boards.

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Health inequalities and the social determinants of health

This is a policy breifing document which was produced by the Royal College of Nursing (RNC) in January 2012. 

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Subject Determinants of health   
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Health inequalities continue to undermine social mobility

This is an evidence breifing was published by the economic and social research council.

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Subject Poverty and inequality   Social justice, human rights and health   
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Health Vulnerabilities Study of Mixed Migration Flows from the East and Horn of Africa and the Great Lakes Region to Southern Africa

The study is designed to be conducted in two stages. Completed between October and December 2012, the first stage – the formative stage – had two objectives: 1) to update the findings of the 2009 study and 2) to collect information and identify “spaces of vulnerability”2 through a desk review and verification visits to five transit countries. The second stage – a detailed field study – will be conducted within the first six months of 2013. 


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Subject Population migration and health   
Tags International Organization for Migration   IOM   
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IBM Healthcare: Healthcare 2015 and care delivery: Delivery models refined, competencies defined

This study is an extension of “Healthcare 2015: Win-win or lose-lose?” which details the broad case for healthcare system transformation. Since payers and providers should collaborate to address many of healthcare’s challenges, it is also linked to and consistent with another study on healthcare payers.In this paper, we explore how healthcare providers – care delivery organizations (CDOs, such as clinics, hospitals and regional ealth organizations) and individual clinicians (doctors and nurses, as well as midlevel providers, such as nursing assistants) – can better serve citizens/patients in the face of opportunities and constraints of evolving healthcare systems. We examine how key external factors will evolve and affect providers. Our study findings lead to the identification of key service models and five critical competencies needed for providers to implement those service models

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Subject Health systems and models of service delivery   
Tags IBM   
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Impact of migration on the consumption of education and children’s services and the consumption of health services, social care and social services


The main aims of the study were to estimate migrants? consumption of under-18 education, health and personal social services and the related costs and to assess the implications for UK immigration policy, particularly for the Points Based System (PBS). The study also aimed to identify the limitations to evaluating the impact and the potential for improving measurement. Given the interest in the PBS, the focus was non-EEA economic migrants (especially Tier 1 and 2 migrants2) and Tier 4 migrants (students). The aim was to provide both national and, where possible, sub-national estimates of impact. 

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Author Anitha George, Pamela Meadows, Hilary Metcalf and Heather Rolfe
Type Document
Subject Population migration and health   
Tags UK   National Institute of Economic and Social Research   Migration Advisory Committee   
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Implementing the Millennium Development Goals: Health Inequality and the Role of Global Health Partnerships

This policy note examines the extent of health inequalities within and between countries and analyses ways in which global health partnerships (GHPs) - an innovative and important vehicle for international cooperation - can alleviate health inequality so as to support developing countries in achieving internationally agreed goals in health, including the health related Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).

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Subject Millennium Development Goals   Poverty and inequality   
Tags policy note   
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Improving the Health of The World’s Poorest People

This policy brief, based on a longer report by the Population Reference Bureau, highlights the extent of the rich-poor health divide, the factorsthat play a role in health disparities, and approaches for improving the health of the poor. 

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Subject Poverty and inequality   
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Incentive systems for health care professionals

This 5 page factsheet looks into the incentive systems which are in place to recruit healthcare workers.

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Subject Migration of health professionals   
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Infectious Disease Movement in a Borderless World: Workshop Summary

This workshop summary is organized into chapters as a topic-by-topic description of the presentations and discussions that took place at the workshop. Its purpose is to present lessons from relevant experience, to delineate a range of pivotal issues and their respective problems, and to offer potential responses as discussed and described by the workshop participants. 

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Author David A. Relman, Eileen R. Choffnes, and Alison Mack, Rapporteurs; Forum on Microbial Threats; Institute of Medicine
Type Document
Subject New and emerging infectious diseases   Regulation and governance   
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International Migration of Health Workers: Improving International Cooperation to Address the Global Health Workforce Crisis

Key questions addresseed in this policy brief:

  • What are the main trends in the international migration of health workers?
  • What are the main drivers of international mobility of doctors and nurses?
  • What is the impact of migration on less developed countries?
  • How can countries respond?
  • How to strengthen international co-operation?

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Investing in Nursing Education to Advance Global Health


Expanding nursing education programs at all levels is essential to ensuring access to quality health care for the world’s population. The easing of the nursing shortage in some nations is a direct result of the global financial crisis and should not be used as justification to cut funding for entry-level and advanced programs that prepare professional nurses. Given the aging of the population and a large wave of retirements projected for the nursing workforce, action must be taken now to ensure that an adequate supply of nurses is available to avert a global crisis in the future. As leaders in the nursing community, GANES is calling on all colleague organizations to alert their policymakers and stakeholders to the need for robust and stable funding for nursing education as an effective mechanism for advancing global health.


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Subject Education   Global health teaching   
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Managing the Migration of Health Care Workers: The Need for Action

This 2 page document on managing the migration of health care workers covers the following topics: background information, current policy approaches, the way forward and examples of the International Organisation for Migration's (IOM) activities. 

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Meeting Report: World Conference on Social Determinants of Health

The World Conference aimed: 

• to identify the basic principles, methods and strategies for developing national action plans to address social determinants of health to reduce health inequities;

• to strengthen political commitment by Member States to develop and implement such national action plans, as well as the provisions of resolution WHA62.14;

• to share experiences, challenges and technical knowledge on how to address social determinants of health and construct national plans to reduce health inequities, considering the need for strengthening of governance arrangements, and learning from different contexts. 


The World Conference was a high-level ministerial event that brought together over 1000 participants, including delegates from over 125 Member States, representatives from other organizations in the United Nations system and civil society, and technical experts. In addition, more than 19 000 people followed the event through webcast.

The five themes of the World Conference were:

1. Governance to tackle the root causes of health inequities: implementing action on social determinants of health;

2. Promoting participation: community leadership for action on social determinants;

3. The role of the health sector, including public health programmes, in reducing health inequities;

4. Global action on social determinants: aligning priorities and stakeholders;

5. Monitoring progress: measurement and analysis to inform policies and build accountability on social determinants.

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Migration and Health

A factsheet about migration and health, produced by the Migration and Health Research Center (MAHRC).

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Migration and Health: A Review of the International Literature

This report is a comprehensive review of primary literature on internal and international migration and health. It is the result of searches using five on-line databases, a list of health and migration related keywords, and strict inclusion and exclusion criteria (see section 2). These searches produced 362 papers, of which 136 papers met the criteria and were included in the report (see section 5). These papers were summarised and separated into internal migration, and four subgroups within international migration: ‘all cause and cardiovascular mortality’, ‘cancer mortality’, ‘mental health’, and ‘morbidity, risk factors and anthropometry’.

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Author Laura McKay, Sally Macintyre, Anne Ellaway
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Subject Migration of health professionals   
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Migration and Health: Latinos in the United States

This document comprises four chapters. The first describes the scope, trends, and characteristics of Latin American, and particularly Mexican, migration to the United States. There the data are available, it also refers to Latin American countries that take part in ISA, activities: Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Colombia and Ecuador. The second analyzes immigrants' health insurance coverage and level their level of access to various types of medical security. The third describes the health service access and use. The last describes specific aspects of migrants' health, including the main illnesses affecting them. The document ends with a number of considerations and opportunities in the field of binational public policy. 

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Migration of Health Care Professionals from India: A Case Study of Nurses

The main objective of the study is to understand the factors governing migration of health care professionals from India and its implications for the health service system. The specific objectives are: (1) to study the trend in migration of health care professionals from India since 1990, (2) to understand the reasons for migration of health care professionals from India, (3) to analyse the implications of international policies associated with migration and (4) to explore the implications for migration on health service system in India. 

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Author Ann Issac and Nirmalya Syam
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Subject Migration of health professionals   
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Millennium Development Goals Report Card: Measuring Progress Across Countries

This report presents data on how countries are closing in on the MDG targets. It unpacks the targets and indicators to map out how the development process is playing out across countries and continents. It goes beyond standard global and country-level assessments to provide insights into how these gains are being shared across income, rural-urban and gender groups. It identi?es the ‘star’ performers that have made the greatest gains, shines a light on unexpected outcomes from the pursuit of the MDG targets and sounds out warnings where progress has stalled or is heading in the wrong direction.

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Subject Millennium Development Goals   
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Millennium Development Goals: No more broken promises?

This booklet offers a short introduction to what will be involved in achieving the MDGs. The first part answers some common questions by explaining why we needs goals, where they came from, how they will be met and paid for, and how we will know if we are achieving them.

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New Care Delivery Models in Health System Reform: Opportunities for Nurses & their Patients

The key points of this American Nursing Association's issue brief are:

  • Nurses’ education, skills and professional scope make them indispensible contributors to successful implementation of evolving patient–centered care delivery models. 
  • Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs), Medical/health homes, and Nurse-managed Health Clinics are three of the varied approaches to coordinated care. 
  • Health reform opens the door to a more central role for APRNs in the creation, leadership and management of new and innovative patient-

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Subject Health systems and models of service delivery   
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Nurse Migration and the Nursing Shortage

This is an interview with Dr Kingma about the complex issues surrounding nurse migration.

Dr. Kingma is a consultant for nursing and health policy with the International Council of Nurses (ICN). Her new book reflects a wealth of knowledge gained over the past twenty years, as she has worked on issues ranging from the socioeconomic welfare of nurses to occupational health and safety concerns, to international trade in health services. In February 2006, she participated in a conference in London entitled “Creating Positive Practice Environments for the International Nurse” which addressed how to fairly approach the integration of international nurses into healthcare systems. 

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Subject Migration of health professionals   
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Nurse migration from the EU: What are the key challenges?

The nursing workforce is facing significant change; it is aging and there is more demand for part-time working. More of its traditional entrants are choosing alternative careers. Facing these recruitment and retention issues while simultaneously trying to improve productivity and the quality of care is challenging. Traditionally popular solutions that involve recruiting nurses from the international marketplace can clearly help but they bring their own human resources (HR) management challenges [1]. In this Policy+ we focus on nurse migration into the UK from other European Union (EU) countries. The evidence was collected as part of the PROMeTHEUS study [2]. It is one of the first using a survey and interviews to explore the HR management challenges and the factors influencing decision-making at different stages specifically of the EU migration process of health professionals.

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Nurses on the move: implications of internal migration in the UK

Migration of healthcare professionals across and within national boundaries may benefit individual career progress but can result in certain regions and countries having insufficient resources to meet healthcare needs(1,2). Developing strategies to ensure a balanced distribution of staff requires information about patterns of migration but this is often inaccurate and lacks comparability across borders(1). Here we consider how regionally comparable data can inform nursing workforce planning in the UK; we draw on a Nursing Research Unit study of nurses’ movements between regions (3,4), and other research on the internal migration patterns of health professionals (5-9) and of the general population.

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Nurses on the Move: Worldwide Migration

This document covers information on migration patterns of nurses, the mpact of nurse migration and the potential conflict between nurse migration and nurse shortage.

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Author Mireille Kingma
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Subject Migration of health professionals   
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Nurses: Working with the Poor; Against Poverty

The aim of this document is to  increase nurses’ awareness about the links between poverty and health and suggest multisectoral actions to reduce poverty and improve health.

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Subject Poverty and inequality   
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Population Growth and the Global Health Workforce Crisis

In this technical brief, we discuss the potential impact of population growth on countries’ efforts to improve their populations’ access to skilled health workers. Careful attention must be given to how population size interplays with health worker production to determine the desired health worker density ratio. An increasing rate of population growth could negate important gains in health worker production, preventing improvements in and possibly worsening the health workforce crisis in many countries. Conversely, countries that have significant declines in their rates of population growth could reach desired health service coverage more quickly than would otherwise be the case. We conclude by highlighting the need to address both health worker production and population growth to mitigate the health workforce crisis.

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Author Sara Pacqué-Margolis, Carie Muntifering, Crystal Ng, and Shaun Noronha, IntraHealth International
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Subject Population growth   
Tags technical brief   
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Poverty and Health: Breaking the Link

Nursing Matters fact sheets provide quick reference information and international perspectives from the nursing profession on current health and social issues. This particular fact sheet focuses on breaking the link between poverty and poor health.


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Poverty and Human Development: Global Strategies

Conculsion of essay:

Although Brazil has managed to reduce extreme poverty, there are still urgent problems to be fought in order to move towards the other goals established by the eight millennium development goals (eradication of hunger, promotion of gender equality, reduction of child mortality, combating AIDS and malaria, achieving universal primary education and ensuring environmental sustainability).

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Author Maria Helena Palucci Marziale and Isabel Amélia Costa Mendes
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Subject Millennium Development Goals   Poverty and inequality   
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Research Brief: Nurses and Health Information Technology

Purpose of research brief:

To review and synthesize the literature on how nurses use health information technology (HIT), how HIT impacts their work, and how nurses can help with the effective utilization of HIT.  

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Author Renae Waneka, M.P.H., and Joanne Spetz, Ph.D
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Subject Technology   
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State Public Health System Performance Assessment (Version 2.0)

This performance assessment was carried out by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

The purpose for undertaking a performance assessment is to strengthen and improve the public health system. The standards were set at the optimal level; for this reason, Essential Public Health Services participating jurisdictions will likely see many differences between their own performance and the “gold standard” presented in the instruments. System partners should seek to address these weaknesses and also recognize and maintain areas in which they are strong. 

List of Essential Public Health Services:

1. Monitor health status to identify community health problems. 

2. Diagnose and investigate health problems and health hazards in the community. 

3. Inform, educate, and empower people about health issues. 

4. Mobilize community partnerships to identify and solve health problems. 

5. Develop policies and plans that support individual and community health efforts. 

6. Enforce laws and regulations that protect health and ensure safety. 

7. Link people to needed personal health services and assure the provision of health care when otherwise unavailable.

8. Assure a competent public and personal health care workforce. 

9. Evaluate effectiveness, accessibility and quality of personal and population-based health services. 

10. Research for new insights and innovative solutions to health problems. 

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Subject Health systems and models of service delivery   
Tags US   United States   
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Technology In Nursing Integration Into Professional Nursing Paper

Paper topic: technology in nursing

This paper is from the first class in the RN to BSN program, the integration into professional nursing. You may use this paper on technology in nursing as a reference to obtain ideas for your own nursing essay.

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The costs and benefits of health worker migration from East and Southern Africa (ESA): A literature review

This report is a review of all available literature on the costs and benefits of the migration of health workers from East and Southern African (ESA) countries to developed nations. 

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Author Rudi Robinson
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Subject Migration of health professionals   
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The Emigration of Healthcare Professionals to High-income Countries

The aim of this fact sheet is to examine some of the main issues related to the causes and effects of this exodus of healthcare professionals. The fact sheet also examines the approaches being considered to solve this problem and possible solutions for the management of international migration that would be less detrimental to healthcare systems in developing countries. 

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Subject Migration of health professionals   
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The Global Doctor

This booklet is written by staff and students involved in, or enrolled on the MBBS course run by UCL Medical School. The students have studied with the Institute for Global Health and have been enthused by what they have learnt. The report defines global health as it affects students and young doctors, and provides insights into the ways in which the next generation of doctors can participate in the myriad different aspects of global health.

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Subject Global health issues   Education   Cultural competence   Global citizenship   
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The Global Gender Gap Report 2013

The Global Gender Gap Index introduced by the World Economic Forum in 2006, is a framework for capturing the magnitude and scope of gender-based disparities and tracking their progress. The Index benchmarks national gender gaps on economic, political, education- and health-based criteria, and provides country rankings that allow for effective comparisons across regions and income groups, and over time. The rankings are designed to create greater awareness among a global audience of the challenges posed by gender gaps and the opportunities created by reducing them. The methodology and quantitative analysis behind the rankings are intended to serve as a basis for designing effective measures for reducing gender gaps.

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Subject Gender and health   
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The Health Worker Crisis: an analysis of the issues and main international responses

This report gives an overview of the impact of the brain drain on health care provision in source countries and current key international strategies to mitigate its effects. It will argue that these strategies are faced with severe challenges and present some alternative approaches to address the health worker shortage, based on acknowledgement of the Global North’s contribution to the current crisis.

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Author Nele Jensen
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Subject Migration of health professionals   
Tags brain drain   
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The Impact of Global Nurse Migration on Health Services Delivery

Concluding paragraph:

There is a need for a public awareness campaign on global nurse migration and management. In addition, global healthcare policy makers worldwide are calling for nations to become self-sufficient in their ability to develop their own nursing talent. 

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Author Barbara L. Nichols
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Subject Migration of health professionals   
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The Migration of Health Care Workers: Creative Solutions to Manage Health Workforce Migration

This session brings together country experiences from around the world in successful strategies used to manage the migration of the health care workers. These include harnessing the diaspora to strengthen domestic human resources for health capacity and using bilateral agreements to take advantage of the positive effects of increased movement of people. 

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The Revised International Health Regulations: A Framework for Global Pandemic Response

The 2009 H1N1 influenza outbreak tested the revised International Health Regulations [IHR (2005)] robustly for the first time. The IHR (2005) contributed to swift international notification, allowing nations to implement their pandemic preparedness plans while Mexico voluntarily adopted stringent social distancing measures to limit further disease spread – factors that probably delayed sustained human-to-human transmission outside the Americas. While the outbreak revealed unprecedented efficiency in international communications and cooperation, it also revealed weaknesses at every level of government. The response raises questions regarding the extent to which the IHR (2005) can serve as a framework for global pandemic response and the balance between global governance of disease control measures and national sovereignty. 

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Author Rebecca Katz and Julie Fischer
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Subject Regulation and governance   
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The UK’s Contribution to Achieving the Millennium Development Goals

This report has been produced as part of the EU’s preparation for the review of the Millennium Declaration due to take place in 2005. The report shows how the UK has contributed towards achieving the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and identifies priorities for the international community over the next 10 years leading up to 2015, the target date for achievement of many of the MDGs. 


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The WHO Europe: Injuries and inequities: Guidance for addressing inequities in unintentional injuries


This policy guidance aims to support national, regional and local policy-makers in Europe to prepare, implement and follow up policy actions and interventions to reduce inequities in unintentional injuries. Unintentional injuries, including road traffic injuries, falls, burns, drownings and poisonings still constitute a major public health problem, killing almost half a million people in the WHO European Region each year and causing many more cases of disability. The burden of unintentional injuries is unevenly distributed in the WHO European Region. Steep social gradients for death and morbidity exist across and within countries. Reducing health inequities is a key strategic objective of Health 2020 – the European policy framework for health and well-being endorsed by the 53 Member States of the WHO European Region in 2012. This guide seeks to assist European policy-makers in contributing to achieving the objectives of Health 2020 in a practical way. It draws on key evidence, including from the WHO Regional Office for Europe’s Review of social determinants and the health divide in the WHO European Region. It sets out options and practical methods to reduce the level and unequal distribution of unintentional injuries in Europe, through approaches that address the social determinants of unintended injuries and the related health, social and economic consequences.

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Subject Unintentional injuries   
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The “dream-trap”: Brokering, “study abroad” and nurse migration from Nepal to the UK

In order to review this education brokering business and its link to international nurse migration, the paper is divided into two main sections. Firstly, I look at the growth and expansion of professional nurse training in Nepal and its links with Nepalese nurse migration to the UK. Secondly, I examine the emergence of IECs and their “study abroad” programmes. Here I analyse how IECs have become increasingly involved in the nursing profession, starting from pre-training entrance exam preparation through to post-training international migration. I present case studies of individual nurses and their experiences of being “brokered”. As these migrants are open to exploitation, I argue for greater regulation of these brokers, and that nurses must be more aware of the frequently false promises made by them.

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Author Radha Adhikari
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Subject Migration of health professionals   
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TIME TO ACT: The Global Emergency of Non-Communicable Diseases

On 19 May 2009, the International Diabetes Federation (IDF), World Heart Federation (WHF) and International Union Against Cancer (UICC) held a joint event during the 62nd World Health Assembly. The three federations, speaking as the global voices for diabetes, cardiovascular disease and cancer, joined together to highlight the urgent need to take action against the global epidemic of non-communicable diseases (NCDs).

This report contains a selection of quotes from the event and also features a variety of guest perspectives on the growing threat of NCDs.

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Subject Non-communicable diseases   
Tags report   
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UN Fact Sheet: Goal 5 - Improve Maternal Health

This two page document gives an oveview of the progress made towards the fifth millennium development goal: Improve Maternal Health and discussed what is to be done in the future

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Subject Maternal health   
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Unintentional Injuries: Indicators on children and youth

This document was produced by Child Trends Data Bank in November 2012 (Updated October 2014).

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Subject Child health   Unintentional injuries   
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UNISON Nursing Factsheet

Information about insurance cover provided by UNISON.

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Subject Planning a clinical placement overseas   
Tags insurance   elective placement   nurse   nursing   student   indemnity   
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United Nations Population Facts Department of Economic and Social Affairs • Population Division

Factsheet produced by the United Nations about population, focussing on Health Workers, International Migration and Development.

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Subject Population growth   Population migration and health   
Tags factsheet   fact   sheet   
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Urbanisation, gender and health (Online Discussion Report)

The purpose of the discussion was to explore the following questions, which informed each day’s interactions:

1.What are the key issues and trends in terms of urbanisation and women’s and girls’ health?

2.What interventions aim to address women’s and girls’ health in urban areas? What examples of promising practice do you see?

3.What needs to be done differently to improve health outcomes for urban women and girls? What are the policy and programmatic priorities for the future?


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Subject Gender and health   Urbanisation   
Tags institute of development studies   
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Urbanization and health in developing countries: A systematic review

We systematically searched the databases JSTOR, PubMed, ScienceDirect and SSRN for studies that compare health status in urban and rural areas. The studies had to examine selected World Health Organization health indicators.

Conclusion: Several health outcomes were correlated with urbanization in developing countries. Urbanization may improve some health problems developing countries face and worsen others. Therefore, urbanization itself should not be embraced as a solution to health problems but should be accompanied by an informed and reactive health policy.

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Author Sophie Eckert and Stefan Kohler
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Subject Urbanisation   
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Using technology to complement nursing practice: an RCN guide for health care practitioners

The RCN has produced this guidance to chart the complexities of using eHealth technology and draw together some of the key principles and advice for health care practitioners investigating an eHealth approach for their current clinical practice. Health care leaders and managers will also find it a useful checklist for considering eHealth when redesigning a service or establishing a new service to provide advice and support to patients, their families and carers. The guidance provides an overview, covering the broad principles and key issues to consider for safe and effective eHealth services. It complements separate, short guides that include checklists and advice for:

  • Using telephone advice for patients with long term conditions (RCN publication code 004 229)
  • Using text messaging services (RCN publication code 004 230)
  • Developing and using websites (RCN publication code 004 231)
  • Using telehealth to monitor patients remotely (RCN publication code 004 232)

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Subject Technology   
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World report on child injury prevention

Th e overall aims of the report are:

  • to raise awareness about the magnitude, risk factors and impacts of child injuries globally
  • to draw attention to the preventability of child injuries and present what is known about the eff ectiveness of intervention strategies
  • to make recommendations that can be implemented by all countries to reduce child injuries eff ectively

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Subject Child health   Unintentional injuries   
Tags WHO   UNICEF   
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World Report on Child Injury Prevention: An Ignored Component of Child Survival!

The report promotes a set of seven overarching recommendations to address child injury:

  • Integrate child injury prevention into comprehensive approach to child health and development
  • Develop and implement child-injury prevention policy and plan of action
  • Implement specific actions to prevent and control child injuries
  • Strengthen health systems to address child injuries
  • Enhance quality and quantity of data for child injury prevention
  • Define priorities for research
  • Raise awareness of, and target investments towards child-injury prevention

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Subject Unintentional injuries   
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